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Harmonica (y/n) pov

Saturn is brushing my hair. How did he get a brush exactly? Well, he asked Earth for one and Earth somehow has one... yeah I'm not gonna question it. Jupiter is talking to our moons. Titan is snuggling into me as he sleeps.

"Dad?" I ask
"Yes, snowbud" Saturn says
"Since father is distracted. Can I ask, how do you tell someone you love them?" I ask
"Oh! Why do you ask? Wait *gasps* you like someone! Who?" He asks
"Well... it's more than one planet" I say

He turns my head so I'm looking up at him as I see his eyes literally has stars in them and he is smiling widely.

"Who?" He asks again
"Uranus... Mars, Earth and Venus" I say
"Ah, interesting. Well, I would straight out tell them when I'm ready. That's how I got with Jupiter " He says

I look up at him silently and leans against him as he wraps his arms around me.

"I'll think about it. Thanks, dad" I hum out
"Anyti-" He says

We soon hear sun screaming. We look to see him screaming at Earth and Mars....

"What did they do now..." I deadpaned out

We all go to see wtf is happening and stand next to Jupiter.

"M-M-M-M-Mister Sun, he is-he is very sorry-" Mars stutters
"No, I'm not. Let him leave, let's see what happens." Earth says
"Earth you stupid idiot " I sigh out

We see Venus zoom at earth and grab his shoulders.

"You IDIOT! You know why they call it the "Solar System"!? Now we're gonna be a bunch of frozen Plutos drifting through space! We need the Sun's gravitational-pull to STAY IN ORBIT!" Venus screams

This shook Earth badly and looks at sun and then us.

"I-I-I-I didn't-" Earth stutters
"I'll try to keep us together with my own gravity. But, pfftt, I don't know if it'll be enough." Jupiter says
"We understand, father." I say

He smiles down at me and side hugs me and Saturn.

"I thought your crazy Earthlings were gonna be the death of us all, not your own STUPIDITY!" Venus says
"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry! Sun, alright, just don't, don't leave." Earth panics out
"I was bluffing! I'm not going anywhere, guys, we will all stay together forever...until I become a red giant and consume you all. HAHAHAHA!!" Sun laughs out

Mercury, Venus, The Moon and Mars begin to slowly drift away. All are horrified after what the Sun just said. I froze in my spot at the mention of the red giant. I sink myself into Jupiter side. I feel his pick me up to hold me like a baby on his hip and hugs me. I nuzzle into him.

"Uh, he-he-he's kidding, right?" Earth asks nervously

Jupiter sighs and takes me and Saturn back to our spots and I simply fall asleep  clinging to Saturn shirt.

I grumble as I got woken up by Earth shouting for Jupiter.  I rub my eyes as I'm now in Jupiter lap and Saturn is gone to talk to his moons. Selunaria is talking to Europa.

"Hey, Jupiter! I need your help!" Earth shouts
"Sure, buddy. What can I do for ya?" Jupiter asks

I grumble and nuzzle closer as I try to fall asleep again but failed miserably.

"I think we should find a better star and spin around that." Earth says

Okay now I'm fully awake. I snap my head in his direction in shock.

"Okay, Earth, I love you. I'll hear you out. But that's INCREDIBLY dumb." Jupiter states
"Why? I mean our Sun sucks! He has intense mood swings, he throws around flares for no reason, he constantly threatens to destroy us all, I-" Earth rants
"I get it. But he really is the best we got. The other stars will also become red dwarfs one day OR go supernova and don't get me started on supernovas." Jupiter says
"At least sun doesn't physically hurts you... like my old sun did to me" I say

Both are silent as I touch my crack surface. Jupiter frowns and hugs me tightly.

"Yeah, yeah, but our Sun can't be the best option, right?" Earth asks
"He is my best option " I mutter quietly
"Okay, hypothetically, if we were to find a new star, the closest one is 4.35 light years away. We'd all freeze up on that trip, especially you. Plus, where'd we get the momentum? We'd have better chances of building a new Sun right here." Jupiter says

We both see the look of realization on Earth face. Oh no...

"Building a new Sun, huh?" Earth mutters

We watch him zoom away with Luna. Me and Jupiter look concerned about this...

"This... can't end well." He says
"Yeah..." I say quietly

Jupiter strokes my head and I relax a bit and return to go back to sleep.

After sleeping on Jupiter.  I go and hang out with Uranus. He currently painting something. So I lean on him quietly as I watch him paint. Selunaria is on my back with Titania playing with her hair.

"How was it with Jupiter and Saturn?" He asks
"Good till Earth pissed off sun and now is panicking about sun turning into a red giant" I say
"Seriously,  mate? " He asks
"Yus, now Jupiter gave him an idea to build a sun... hopefully they can stop him before it happens" I say
"Me too mate... me too" He sighs out

I snuggle into him and hum quietly. Neptune appears in his derpy way. Me and Uranus shake our head at him.

It been a few days since Earth panic state about the sun. Uranus went to talk to Jupiter, Saturn and the rock planets. I let Selunaria join them as I just want to stay in my orbit.

I lean back, my arms crossed behind my head as I have my eyes close till I hear Pluto. So I open my eyes to see him and Neptune.  I shrug and zoom to them.

"Hi Pluto, Neppy!" I say

They booth look at me. Pluto smiles and waves while Neptune tackles me happily.

"So what's you two up to?" I ask
"Nothing much till Neptune appeared" Pluto say

Ah... typical Neptune.  Speaking of, the derpy blue planet is snuggling into me happily.

"You okay Neppy?" I ask
"Oh, I don't know. I literally don't have a solid surface so.. My memory isn't all that good..." he says

Me and pluto frown at that. Oh my poor baby... we see Neptune face Pluto with a head tilt while being the derpy planet he is.

"Hey! Wanna be friends?" Neptune asks
"Wait, really? But all the planets bully me because I'm... not a planet." Pluto say
"I don't " I say
"I know mama" Pluto says

Yeah I kinda adopted Pluto when I first met him and it's been like this ever since. I should go and adopt all the other drawf planets...

"Ahh! Gotcha, gotcha. So you want me to bully you." Neptune says
"Neppy, no!" I say
"What?! No! L-let's be friends. Yes." Pluto panics out

I sigh as Neptune starts doing trilling while playing with my hair. God how can he be this adorable!

"Can you stop that?" Pluto asks quietly
"Woah! Heh, heh... Where did you come from?" Neptune asks

God his forgetfulness, will be the end of him... Pluto grew tired and annoyed and just left us alone. Neptune blinks and continues to lip trill. I sigh and hug Neptune as he smiles up at me and hugs me back while doing his lip till again.

Harmony Beauty (Solarhumans/balls x planet Reader)Where stories live. Discover now