⚔The hard way🖤💗

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Ship(s): ZenTan/TanZen
Sick: Tanjiro (MENTAL HEALTH)
Caretaker(s): Zenetsu, (kinda) Inoske

Tanjiro was at the butterfly mention after a previous mission, they all got hurt but not badly. Inoske and Zenetsu are yelling at eachother (like normal) and Tanjiro is overworking himself while training (also like normal) but it seems as if he is overworking himself far to much to be seen as normal for him. Even Nezuko seemed to be worried. Tanjiro has been having nightmares about how his family looked so helpless and is blaming himself for their deaths. He used to go through this about a month after it happened. The nightmares haven't happened in some time, but for some reason, they are back. And a lot worse this time. "Tanjiro..? It's lunch.. come eat hun.." Tanjiro ripped his head around as he heard Zenetsu's words. "I'm not hungry. Go eat Zen" Tanjiro almost goes back to lapping the building when Zenetsu grabs his shoulder. "We need to talk. After you eat." The way Zenetsu said it, made Tanjiro's legs move on their own. Just because of how much he cared for the boy in front of him, leading him to the dining area. When they both sit down, Tanjiro stares at the food, it almost makes him nauseous, but he takes a few bites, holding on to Zenetsu's hand the whole time under the table. When he stops eating, he gets up and cleans his dish, before bowing and walking off to his shared room with Zenetsu. Obviously the yellow boy does the same thing, following Tanjiro. Once they both get into the room, Tanjiro sits on Zenetsu's bed and just starts sobbing. Zenetsu's eyes widened as he sits on the bed as well, putting Tanjiro's head on his lap. Zenetsu gently played with Tanjiro's hair. It calms both of them down, more so Zenetsu, but he needs to calm himself down so he can help Tanjiro. Once they both calm down, Zenetsu finally speaks up. "Can.. you tell me what's been going on..?" There is a few moments of silence between them, Zenetsu keeping his fingers in the sniffling boys hair. Tanjiro spills. Everything comes out while he begins to sob again, and Zenetsu just becomes more and more worried for him as he continues to speak. Once Tanjiro calms down he almost immediately starts falling asleep in the other boy's lap. "Goodnight Tanji. I love you." They both end up falling asleep.

20 minutes later :p

Inoske walks in on them both still fast asleep, he tries not to snort, but he throws a blanket on top of them both, and leaves right away, and almost slams the door. It wakes up Tanjiro and obv Zenetsu because of his ears. Tanjiro snuggles up to Zenetsu's chest and tries to fall back asleep, but can't. So, he brings his lips up to Zenetsu's and kisses him. It's a soft kiss, but it's worth while and helps them both fall back asleep, and for the first time in a few weeks, Tanjiro doesn't dream.
Why was that so sweet 🥺
How did I write that as late as it is??

Alr pooks, ima try to get some ideas in my brain so uhm please request :p

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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