Sarah gets a lesson

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Warning!:Very vile language and abuse. viewer discretion advised

Sarah watched as her husband caressed her face with a slow hand. He moved it to her lips where he then pressed his lips against hers. He knew she liked it rough and hard so he smacked her while he was in the rear position. She always climaxed quickly when he did that and she loved it and he knew it. After a night of celebratory sex after Lucas had closed his deal with the Chinese corporation to help fund his shoe making company. With this financing Lucas' company can go global and sell millions of dollars. Pretty soon Lucas would have millions of dollars, a hot and sexy wife, and a high costing apartment all at the same time. Yeah he was living the dream. Until. A few minutes ago. He only went to grab a glass of water after sweating so much and he did hear the phone ring but he thought nothing of it. He thought it was Sarah's best friend Melanie calling to check on her. However when he got up there the bitch was packing her stuff. She was surprised to see him and tried to explain herself only to be met with a slap in the face and a really hard one at that. It made a big red mark on her face and her nose started to bleed. "You know what bitch? I am so sick of your nonsense. I give you a home, I give you the best sex of your life, and this is how you treat me in the end?" He looked enraged and furious and she looked shocked and confused. Yeah you tell that whore, he thought. He hit her again in the same spot. Tears started to surface in her eyes as he saw she was in pain and he liked it. "Now get back in that bed bitch and I will forget you ever tried pulling this shit." He spouted, almost yelling. She was afraid and he knew it, and he liked it. "Now you whore you get back in bed and take it like a good wife should." He got closer and used his size to attempt to intimate her. "Don't lie, this turns you on doesn't it?" He said licking his lips slowly. This bitch needs another lesson about who I am doesn't she? He thought. Yes she does, he answered himself in his mind. He went to his closet and grabbed a pair of handcuffs from the hanger and he raised it up above his head and slowly shook his head. She started to slowly back away from him. "No, not again Mike." "There is no no anymore whore." He violently rushed her in anger.


"I'm sorry Sarah. It's back." Matthew had told her a few minutes ago. She couldn't believe it. She was so sure it was dead. She started to pack immediately and suddenly her husband came into the room. She tried to explain but instead he hit her and he hit her so hard her ears started to ring and her vision became a little hasty. It was hard to stay on her feet but she did. Then he hit her again and this time she fell down for just a moment. She could barely hear what he was saying but she knew what he was spouting. It was the same speech he gave when she tried leaving him four years ago. For the first few years they were great together. They got married after six years of dating. But marriage changed everything. Mike before didn't really care who she talked to or even hung out with but after they got married he changed. Suddenly he cared about everyone she hung out with and even put out a curfew for her. If she didn't make it in time he would teach her a "lesson" as he called it. After a while the "lessons" would turn into great sex for her. She didn't know why but she loved his abuse. Every time he would strike her she would get more and more wetter underneath. Finally he stopped his lessons for a while probably due to his business taking off so he didn't spend much time with her albeit a few off nights and he did fuck her those nights but they weren't the same as before. She longed for those nights again yet they would never come until one night. Mike was a big movie fan. He loved to go to the theater with his buddies and watch movies and drink the night away. By the time his friends would bring him home he was a drunken mess and he slept the next day away with a slight hangover, but after a while he and his friends got too busy to go to the theater together so instead one night he took Sarah to a movie. It was a comedy he was looking forward to for a while and he enjoyed the movie. Laughing and drinking. Then the movie ended. In the parking lot Sarah saw two young kids making out. She looked really into it and looked like he was too. She stared for too long and Mike took notice. He turned her around and smacked her across the face. Up to this point he hadn't hit her in years and now suddenly his old self came back...and she was turned on. He pushed her into the car and sat in silence until they got home. When they got to the bedroom he reached into that cabinet and grabbed handcuffs out. He handcuffed her to the bed with her back to him and on her knees. He also pulled out a belt. Oh he whacked her senseless. By the end of it she was crying in pain and he finally put the belt down and climbed onto the bed himself. He pulled his underwear down and went inside. They had passionate sex like that ever since. However four years ago, Melanie did convince her to stay for a while. However Mike had found out she did so and confronted Melanie. He was insane and he threatened her violently. "Listen skank, you tell me where my wife is and I won't cut your clitoris off, you understand bitch?" She knew he meant it too. She told him after he started to punch her repeatedly. By the end it looked like she went toe to toe with Mike Tyson. He spat on her and said, "If the cops show up or you even talk to anyone about this, I will come back and I won't be so forgiving, you understand?" She only nodded as he left her there crying, bruised, and bleeding. Sarah went back to him that very night and was taught another "lesson" for hours. She enjoyed it then but this time it was different. Her promise. Her promise to her best friends. She still didn't remember much from that summer but slowly it's all coming back. WHAM! He hit her once more but with the steel handcuffs this time. He got closer. Normally she would accept his advances but not this time. She pushed him back and he slipped on a jar of her makeup falling to the floor. The handcuffs and belt flying out of his hands. He wailed as he held his elbow. "You bitch." He said through cries of anguish. She approached him like he does her but she was the intimidating one this time. "You ever come near me again and I will have you killed you hear me? I will kill you myself if I have to." With that she picked up her suitcase and ran out the door with Mike screaming after her. She ran down the stairs periodically checking if he was following her. Luckily he wasn't. She was able to make it all the way to the lobby and out the front where her cab was waiting. She jumped in quickly and told her driver to go to the airport. She sat in the back of the cab and whilst looking out the window she nodded off to sleep.


"Hey Sarah." Benny said as he passed by the local ice cream truck on his bike. "Do you need a ride?" He asked as she finally received her popsicle. It was a bomb pop and she loved those. Especially on a hot summer day like today. Benny quickly hopped off his bike and ordered a bomb pop too. But his was watermelon flavor while hers was just the regular one. They both looked shyly at one another. Finally at what felt like infinite minutes passed Benny and Sarah both finished their popsicles almost at the same time. Benny started to say something but was cut off by the others. Timothy was cracking jokes as usual and Tracie was looking annoyed as usual. They approached Benny and Sarah. "Oh what's this Romeo and Juliet *Gasp* in the flesh! Oh wow! I never thought I'd see such celebrities in my time!" Cracked Timothy. "Shut up Timmy." Tracie spurted with more annoyance than usual. "Sorry guys he's off his meds again." "No! I just refuse to be silenced!" Tracie rubbed her forehead and continued. "You guys headed down to the old creek as well?" "Shea-yeah." Benny muttered. "Cool we were heading down that way as well." Tracie said. They all started to ride down that way. Sarah didn't have a bike yet and so she rode on the back of Benny's bike. They made it to the creek in less than ten minutes. Benny's bike was pretty fast after all. They all sat their bikes down and sat on the bank of the old creek. They started tossing rocks in the water. Benny's didn't go far while Tracie and Timothy's sank every time. Sarah's however skipped for a long distance every time she threw one. It was almost instinctive. "One day you'll have to throw me that brick-t-trick." "I honestly don't know Benny." Sarah said blushing. "GET HIM!" A strange yet recognizable voice shouted. "Shide-hide!" Benny loudly whispered. They all grabbed their bikes and scattered. Their suspicion was confirmed. It was Terrence Nickle. The town's bully. Seriously his gang terrorizes the town and no one is able to do anything lest they want to deal with his crazy mother. He walked over to the old creek searching for someone but Sarah didn't know who. A noise drew them past the bank and soon it was clear to come out of hiding. "That was a close one. We almost got beat up by the residential loon." Timmy said snorting at his own joke. It was getting pretty late in the day, so everyone returned home. They all said their goodbyes and went their way. Sarah made it home in time for supper and almost missed her curfew. If she had, it would have been "punishment" time for her by her father. Instead tonight all he did was send her to bed after supper. However...He got drunk again and he entered her room slowly. He made his way all to her bed and suddenly fell onto the floor. She got up and picked him up off the floor. When she did that he would grope her chest. Saying her mother's name whilst doing it. She never truly understood what that groping meant. She always thought it was his way of saying he missed her mother but she did too. She always wondered where her mother went even five years later. She plopped him back into his bed and closed his door silently. She made a pit stop to the bathroom seeing she had to go. When she was about to leave after washing her hands..."Sarahhhhhh." A mysterious yet soothing voice called out...from the sink? It couldn't have. She approached the sink with caution. She looked down inside. Nothing for a while but then suddenly she saw something rise up from the sink. She leapt back falling to the floor and placing her back to the bathroom door as a crow's head appeared out of the sink. It kept yelling three words. "JOIN THE CIRCUS, JOIN THE CIRCUS, JOIN THE CIRCUS!" It kept going and going and its head kept getting larger and larger until finally it exploded. The crows head shattered into glitter and blood. Sarah slowly got up and grabbed the handle to the door when the blood started to move. It moved into letters and those letters moved into words and those words were the same three the crow was yelling before its head exploded except for one extra word. "Join the circus Sarah"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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