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Akira's POV

"Mom is not home!" My brother informed me that's when I looked at him only to realise he is not alone. He had his 2 friends with him. "Hi to you both too!" I awkwardly greeted both men in front of me with a little bow. Well I have met them pretty much but I always get nervous around them.

It's Jeonghanie oppa and Mingyu 'wow just wow, you had to embarrass yourself in front of your crush' i scolded myself in my mind. Yup I have the biggest crush on this guy, right here 'Kim Mingyu'.
 "Mom and dad went to our hometown for some business. They won't be here for some weeks at least". My brother spoke bringing me back to reality. "Oh-ohk ig!" "Hie! Little one how is your college going?" Hannie oppa asked. "It's going good, Hannie oppa!" I replied then the silence fell over us. "Hii, Akiya! How have you been?" Mingyu's voice broke through the silence, he waved to me cutely.

 I fear if they could hear my heart beating so loud. 'oh my Kim Mingyu stop being so cute!!' I thought. "Mhm I'm good!" With the short reply I turned my attention back on wonwoo oppa not wanting Mingyu to witness my red face. "So what about our dinner?" I asked knowing my laziness and his cooking skills. "We will order something" " or I can cook too hyung" Mingyu said. "Oh that works too, Aki can assist you" Wonu oppa said making my eyes go wide. "No! I'm lazy that's why I don't wanna cook myself". I whined. "It's ok then let's order something, mingyu-ya you too take rest!" Hannie oppa said.

 Just then the doorbell rang. "I'll get it". I said and ran to the door. Opening it I was greeted by my 3 idiots. "Come it's already 7?" "Yea but why haven't you still got changed?!" Aein exclaimed. "I lost track of time while talking to oppa". I lazily stated. "Hie! How are you all doing?" Wonu oppa asked coming out with Hannie oppa and Mingyu following him. "Hi, wonwoo oppa! We are good, how about you?" Yoona chirped.

"We are good too just a little bit tired from promotions and all, however we are having a break for one week" wonwoo oppa said. "Really?! You're going to be at home for the whole week?!" I asked, almost screaming out my excitement. Chuckling wonu oppa replied "yup, I'm! I mean I'll be going back n forth to the dorm and home!" "Wohooo!" I explained like a kid, making everyone in the room chuckled at my behaviour.

Well I mean who wouldn't be excited, because since he has started his career as an idol. We barely get time to spend together. That's the only reason I begged my parents to let me move to Seoul for my college. However wonu oppa was against the idea of me staying alone in Seoul. So he suggested to mom and dad to start their business at another branch in Seoul. So since I have come to Seoul we both hangout once or twice in a month whenever he gets time.

"Ok, I'll go get changed first!" I announced. "Ok, come fast other members are also coming!" Wonu oppa said making 4 of us surprised. Yoona and Sera looked at me with wide eyes so did I. Whereas Aein had a teasing smile on her face. "Ok let's go Eonnie!"  Yoona exclaimed panicking I nearly laughed at her. We went to my room.

      In my room     

"Broo you didn't told us all of the seventeen's members coming over" Sera nearly screamed at my face. "I didn't knew it myself!" I declared. "And stop panicking, just behave normal infront of them" Aein comforted them.

"Yeah, that's right look at me, I'm also behaving normal!" I proudly stated, taking my clothes to go change in the bathroom. "Wait a minute, looking at you not even looking at him doesn't mean behaving normal you gotta stop avoiding him to say that!" Aein said side eyeing me. " I just get nervous around him, that's not my fault". I said shrugging my shoulders, and made my way to the bathroom hurriedly to avoid any further conversation.

 After sometime I came out from bathroom. "Let's go down now!" I said after i was done. "Mhm let's go" Aein stated. And we made our way to downstairs, as we got closer to the living room we could hear so much noises coming assuming everyone is here. We prepared ourselves.

As we got down couple of members attention turned towards us. "Hi guys!" I exclaimed " hey Little one!" Cheol oppa chirped making everyone look at us. "I hope you guys won't mind my sister and her friends joining us?" Wonu oppa said jokingly. "Oh wonu we don't mind at all!" Hoshi oppa exclaimed quite excitedly. " Ok then let me introduce them to you all" I said gesturing Sera Yoona and Aein to introduce themselves. "Hi I'm Seo Yoona!" "Hi I'm Sim Aein" "hi, I'm yoon Sera!" "Oh you've got same last name as Jeonghanie!" Cheol oppa stated making Sera almost explode blushing and the three of us chuckling at her.

"Oh are you perhaps his long lost sister or something?!" Dokyeom oppa joked, making half of the room laugh at his joke while some judging him for his lame joke. "Ok till the food is here, why don't we watch a movie?" Vernon suggested.

 "That's a good idea bonon-ah!" Seungkwan exclaimed.


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my brother's best friend! Mingyu FF ✓Where stories live. Discover now