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Niall was overcome with a whirlwind of emotions as he watched Harry, his best friend, lie motionless in the hospital bed.
Worry and fear gripped him, leaving him almost unable to breathe.
His heart was pounding in his chest, pain and frustration overwhelming him.
Every single beep from Harry's heart monitor seemed to amplify his anxiety.

When Louis entered the room, Niall's anger exploded.
His eyes filled with tears as he yelled at him, accusing him of being responsible for all of this.
"If you hadn't invited him to that date, he wouldn't be here!" he shouted, his voice cracking with desperation.
Guilt and resentment mixed with his anguish, making every moment unbearable.

Louis, pale and heartbroken, was trying to explain himself, but Niall couldn't hear him, too consumed by the pain of seeing his friend in that terrible state.

Louis had a bouquet of flowers for Harry when he woke up that he and Gemma had bought.


Harry slowly opened his eyes, feeling an enveloping numbness gradually dissipating. The light in the hospital room seemed brighter than normal, almost painful. He tried to remember what had happened, but everything was confusing. The first thing he saw were the worried faces of his parents, marked by his tiredness and anxiety.

No.." the doctor whispered in disbelief.

"No?" said Anne, not understanding.

"This is a miracle...never in my entire career had I seen something like this, this is a real miracle!" exhaled the doctor, then left the room to inform his colleagues.

Anne winked at Des and Des smiled.

"How do you feel my love?" asked Anne.

Harry felt something different inside himself, a strange, almost unnatural sensation. "What happened?" he asked, his voice hoarse and uncertain.

The father took a deep breath before answering. "Harry, there's something we need to tell you. You've been in an accident... and now you're a vampire."

Harry's world seemed to collapse. "What? No, that can't be true!" he exclaimed, trying to get up but feeling a new and unexpected strength in his movements. His heart, if it still beat, was filled with a sense of terror and disbelief.

"I didn't want this," he whispered, tears starting to flow. "I wanted to stay human."
The reality of his new condition hit him like a punch in the stomach.
He was shocked, unable to accept the truth. He felt a mixture of anger, fear and sadness, a sense of loss for the life he had known and the terror of the unknown that now awaited him.

While his parents tried to comfort him, Harry felt overwhelmed, trapped in a nightmare from which he could not escape. His mind was a whirlwind of unanswered questions and broken desires, unable to accept his new and frightening reality.

"We had to bite you to save your life, Harry."


Gemma and Rose were walking down the corridor of the waiting room.

Gemma wore a tight little black dress, black nail polish, matching stockings and her favorite heels on her feet.

Hair pulled back in a high, lacquered ponytail and her Dior clutch.

Fiery red lipstick and black eyeliner contouring her eyes.

"What if Harry never wakes up and leaves?" she whispered worriedly.

"My love, Gemma, no one in this family leaves." Rose reassured, closing her Louis Vuitton bag and starting to touch her hair.


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