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"What are you doing?" You ask the second you wake up, horrified by the sight in front of you.

Kāto giggles as she continues pushing the needle into her arm, the sight enough to make you cringe, never mind the flickering memories of your mom doing this exact same thing.

"It's free!" She exclaims gleefully.

You sit up, trying to edge away as Takagi grins lazily at the sight of Kāto pushing the liquid in the syringe into her body.

"You shouldn't do that." You tell her, your voice wavering.

She rolls her eyes at you, leaning back with the needle still in her arm, and Takagi looks at you a little disapprovingly too.

"Don't be boring, Todoroki." He says simply.

"I'm not being boring." You reply defensively. "That'll..."

"Jesus, Star, let her live." Keiko snaps, her tail flicking angrily.

You look at your feline friend with hurt clear in your eyes. She's been nothing but protective so far with you, so what was with the change?
You look to Wani for back up, knowing he was equally as caring, just a little more subtle about it, but find the bed by Takagi's heater empty.

"Where's Wani?" You ask, looking at the three sitting at the end of the bed.

"Left early. Was tired after babysittin' you all night." Takagi says with a shrug.

That rips at the last thread holding your heart together. Wani had said to you he wasn't trying to treat you like a kid, so why would he refer to you trying to keep him company all night as 'babysitting'?

And then you remember the sharpness in his voice when he'd told you to watch your drink, and how he'd just plucked it out of your hand and told you you'd had enough for the night. Was that his patience slipping? Had you really just been being watched over all night, like how Dabi had sent Zero to babysit you?

Takagi pulls another needle seemingly out of nowhere, passing it to Keiko and you shake your head, looking at her with panic written all over your face.

"Don't." You plead.

"Just leave." Takagi snaps, his dark eyes narrowing. "You're killin' the vibe, Ves already left early 'cause of you."

Your lip wobbles, and your hand stretches to grab your phone from the bedside table.

"Gonna call your daddy?" He simpers, and Kāto giggles as she slumps further and further back. "Maybe call your mom for us while you're at it, yeah? Sounds like she knows how to have fun."

Keiko chuckles at that, tying a band around her upper arm like Kāto had before jabbing herself.

"Keiko." You beg for a second time, but she hisses at you just like she'd hissed at Aoki the night before.

"Just go, Todoroki."

And so you take a deep, shaky breath, getting off of the bed in a hurry, stepping directly on a needle you hadn't seen on the floor. Your breath catches in fear, but you step as carefully as you can over all the discarded needles on the floor, not even bothering to find your jeans among all the mess on the floor.
You call Dabi the second you leave the room, hurrying down the stairs while actively avoiding all the cups left on them.
Your tears pour down your face when he answers, knowing you're finally going to feel safe and loved again.

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