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Geetha was running somewhere - accidentally bumped into a boy. Surprisingly, it was Ram.

Geetha: Ram???

Ram: Hey, Geetha... long time no see...!

The two of them meet at a café.

Ram: Why were you in such a hurry?

Geetha: Ah, I forgot my ID card at the office. Thanks for waiting for me until I got back. By the way, how are you? What are you doing these days... it's been so long since we met...

Ram: I couldn't understand any of the engineering subjects. So, I went for police training and now I'm a Sub-Inspector. I'm stationed in a small town... I came here up to the post office. Didn't expect to see you.

Geetha: You've become a Sub-Inspector... nice. I'm a project manager here. Just earning 35k. It was through our college placement. For now, I'm staying here for the experience.

Ram: That's great. How is Lakshmi? I haven't been able to see any of you...

Geetha: She said she’s working as an encoder in some company. Something with chips... Other than that, she doesn’t really talk to anyone properly.

Ram: And Ajay...?

Geetha: I don't know, Ram. Ajay was the one who told us to take care of Lakshmi and then left. I'm his cousin. His family left somewhere without even telling me. I don't even know if they're alive.

Ram: Hmm... When I was handling a case, I had to work with the CBI. I was collecting evidence. That's when I read Ajay's case file. They wouldn't arrest a small boy without any evidence. So, I thought of reopening it. There are still three cases that remain unsolved. None of the affected girls have come forward. Their parents haven't either. Since Ajay and his family disappeared similarly, I wondered if there might be a link...

Geetha: Stop it, Ram. Ajay is not a criminal. Don't say anything just because you don't like him.

Ram: No, wait a minute. (He took out a pendant) I found this at Ajay's old house. It was in the house where the crime happened, the girl's own house. Only the police had gone there after the incident. I had just gone for a visit without reopening the case. I found this under the bed.

Geetha's hand was shaking. "This..." She took out the pendant she was wearing and showed it. They were identical.

Geetha: Our grandmother gave five pendants like this to five of us. To me, Ajay, and three other cousins.

Ram: Geetha, then this must be Ajay's, right?

She looked upset, "I won't accept this. This pendant might be a misunderstanding. Ajay is not that kind of person."

Ram: Okay. Geetha, I'm sorry to upset you. But if you help me, I'll find out what happened to those girls and why this case was closed.

Geetha grabbed her bag and phone and stood up, "Ram, I don't want to get involved in this. Plus, I don't like you suspecting Ajay. Sorry."

She left the café with tears and shock. Ram looked at the pendant and thought deeply.


Lakshmi landed in Bangalore with Mr. Arun.
In his office,

Mr. Arun: Ms. Lakshmi, I'll tell you what I know about Aditya. He has never attended any conference or meeting. His manager always attends on his behalf. Even his manager has never seen him.

Lakshmi: Interesting. Even if he had anthropophobia, he could attend online meetings. If he never shows his face, he must be like Christopher from the movie "Ratsasan." Otherwise, he must be a criminal.

Mr. Arun: That's enough for the growth of my company. Even a little negative information about him will do. I'll tell you what to do...


The plan was to join Aditya's 5-star restaurant. This is the only place where they could meet his uncle, who comes for dinner every Sunday with his family.

Lakshmi joined as a cleaner. She sighed at her awful look. Even cleaners had to look neat in a 5-star restaurant.

Manager: Look, if you disappoint any of our customers, you'll be fired right away.

Lakshmi: Don't talk too much. (She muttered)

Manager: What? Are you scolding me?

Lakshmi: (smiling) No, sir. I won't disappoint any of our customers.

She took the mop and started cleaning the floor, grumbling. "Do I have to work as a cleaner here until Sunday? Arun, finish the contract soon so I can hack your fraudulent activities!"

A handsome guy smiled at her. "Hi, I'm Roshan. Why are you working as a cleaner at this age?"

Lakshmi: Look at your job, man. What's your position? Just go away!

He smiled. "I'm a chef here. It's just a part-time job. Do you believe I work as a secret agent under the CBI?" (He whispered)

She stopped mopping the floor. "Mr. Roshan, can I get your number?"

Roshan: Don't fall for me. I know girls ask for my number after the first sight. I don't usually give it out, but just for you... note it down.

He gave her his number.

The next day, when she was cleaning the kitchen,

Chef: Hey, do you want to know about me?

Lakshmi: Roshan, living in a rented house. Mom runs a grocery shop. Dad works there too. You studied in an arts college, B.A. in English. Though you're good at cooking, you worked at a street food shop. After tasting your food, you were directly promoted to this restaurant by Aditya Vasudev. Anything else?

He froze. "Are you stalking me? Come on, I know you like me, but I can't accept you this fast..."

She placed a sharp knife at his neck. "Shut up, you jerk. Tell me how Aditya appointed you here. Did you meet him? Do you know him?"

Chef: Sister, a lot of people come to our street food truck. How do I know who Aditya is? After that day, the manager met me and asked me to join this restaurant. Since my mom and dad can't look after the grocery shop—they're aged—I'm working as a part-time chef.

Lakshmi: I need some more information. Let's meet tonight. I'll offer you money. 5,000?

Chef: Ahh...?

Lakshmi: 7,000... 10,000?

He smiled. "My elder sister, don't think I'm accepting this offer just because I'm poor..."

Lakshmi: Fine. Let's meet somewhere else in private. I'll text you the address.

Roshan: Are you a police officer? I'm just curious.

Lakshmi: If you want 10,000 per day, you should not ask me any questions.

She left, and he was shocked. A minute later, he thought, "I thought she'd give 10,000 if I help her, but... per day 10,000? Wow! Per day? Wait. How many days am I going to work? Wowwwww!!!"

He was jumping in excitement. Such a cute, innocent guy.


Ajay saw Lakshmi working as a cleaner in his restaurant. He was glad.

"What is she doing here?" He called his manager. "Can you mail me her personal details?"

He checked it. Her degree and everything were okay, but she didn't have any work experience.

"Lakshmi, you risked your life to meet me?" he looked upset.

பொறுக்கி / Gangster [Under Editing] Where stories live. Discover now