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Two months before...


I had just arrived at the airport.  I had finally returned from vacation in the Bahamas with Aunt Alex.  It had been a lot of fun, but a little boring without my parents and brothers.

Indie was grounded for 1 month for getting some low grades.  Will II couldn't stand being away from Octávia for a whole month, even if he didn't admit it.

Anyway, I was back in Thunder Bay, Aunt Alex gave me a ride home.  I took my key and opened the door, I just wasn't expecting what I was going to see.  I was being welcomed with a party, it even had a banner saying "welcome back!", as if I had been away for 1 year instead of 1 month.

"Welcome back, sweetheart."  My father says hugging me. My mother hugs me right after.

"Sis, you came back tanned!"  Indie runs over to give me a hug.
"That's what happens when we spend 1 month in a tropical country" I say, Then I laugh a little, how much I missed her.

As soon as I leave my sister's embrace, I look for Will II, I'm not surprised when I see him next to Octávia in a corner of the room laughing and talking, he gives me a quick look that says something like "welcome", I give him a I smile in response, then I feel the arms of Dag and the other Torrance brothers around me.


After several hugs, especially from my parents, I am finally free to enjoy the party.  I grab a can of soda, and start looking for him.  I see Aunt Banks, Uncle Kai and Jett, but I don't see him.

Did he not come?  No, of course he came, Uncle Kai always makes him come to these parties.

I start wandering around the living room, then go to the kitchen, give my mom an excuse to go upstairs and look for him.  I pass through the bedrooms, the bathroom, until I see the door to the small library that my mother created open.  I close my eyes tightly as I shake my head

of course he would be here.  How could I have been so stupid?

I walk through the door very slowly so he doesn't notice me, I observe him a little, he has the beautiful black hair, his dark eyes passing over the words in Hamelt's book, his skin slightly tanned in the dim light of the library. Jesus, he's more handsome than the last time I saw him.

"Peeping,little Grayson?"  Madden voice's sounds hoarser than usual.

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