Chapter One

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Two months later...


The day started in the best way possible, I literally ran into the door.  Now I have a bag of frozen peas on my face, especially my lips which are the same size as a Bratz's lips.

"How did this even happen?"  My mother asks, while my father and Will II look a little worried and want to laugh.

"I was leaving my room, when I put my hand on the doorknob and pulled the door. Indie pushed the door to enter the room, which resulted in the door slamming in my face." I explain, while slightly removing the frozen peas from my face.

My parents and brother looked at me for a few seconds.

"It's not that bad."  My father spoke a little more seriously than before.  "Only the lips are swollen."

"You look like a Bratz, the only thing missing is the clothes."  My brother commented before leaving the kitchen.

"Don't worry about that fool, sis. I'll help."  Indie said as she walked into the kitchen with a makeup bag.


I picked up my backpack and looked at myself in the mirror again, Indie had done a great job, I could barely tell that my lip was swollen, but to compensate I had several rebellious curls, even though I've tried to control them, they don't behave. My hair was a little curlier than Indie's, Indie's is more wavy than curly.

I looked at the time on my phone, it was almost time to go to school, where is Jett?  She always comes to pick me up, since she's the only one of us who already has a car.

I left my room, being careful not to run into the door again, I went downstairs and heard a horn outside the house, I looked out the window.  Octavia Torrance.  The dark hair loose over her shoulders, the black leather jacket, in this light she looked just like Uncle Damon.  Even though she wasn't the right age to drive, Uncle Damon had already given her a car, not just any car, a Lamborghini.  She always came to pick Will II up from school, Indie and I always thought there was something going on between them, even though seeing Octávia with Will made Uncle Damon a little anxious and my father loved to joke about the situation.

Another honk.  My brother ran from upstairs to the door.

"Octavia and Will sitting under a tree kissing, k-i-s-s-i-n-g."  I hummed to my brother, he rolled his eyes, but gave a little smile, then left the house, I laughed a little and then looked at the time again.  Where's Jett?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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