2. ayano x taro

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this is what the entire game is based on, i cant not do it first.

i shall call this "a trip to the library"

taro's pov :

it's so weird to finally become a third year. i feel like im so close to the end, yet i have a whole year. i feel a bit bad that osana will have to be in school the whole next year without me. but there's nothing i can do.

"you were 5 minutes late! you always keep me waiting!" osana claimed in her usual bratty tsundere type of voice.

"im sorry, osana. you didn't have to wait for me if i was really that late," i tell her, feeling sorry for her having to wait outside my gate. "we can stop walking together, if you want."

"n-no, that's not what i meant!" osana explained to me, i could see that the thought of us not walking together anymore made her sad.

"we're going to have to stop walking together next year anyway, you know that right? i think that we should keep walking to school together atleast for now," i say as we approach the line of sakura trees that lead up to the big building.

the school really is beautiful, the morning sun was perfectly reflecting on everything. the breeze kissed my cheeks, it's truly refreshing to be back. i can't wait to go read a book and sit on the fountain!

osana and i part ways once our shoes are on, she goes to her friend raibaru. i don't really like her, she scares me. i head off to the library on the second floor. i had forgotten my book earlier and instead of keeping osana waiting, i just figured i'd get one from the library. i spot my book friend kuu there, and go to talk to her.

"hi! what are you reading?" i ask her, pointing to the book in her hands.

"oh, this is classical japanese book 1. it's great," she speaks in a monotone voice. she reminds me a bit of a robot, but in a good way rather than bad.

"that's cool, i'll just take classical japanese book 2. i've read it before 3 times, but i end uo coming back to it every half a year or so," i state.

kuu gives me a slight smile and a thumbs up. i admire the pictures as i walk down. suddenly i bump into someone and they fall over.

"i'm so sorry!" i apologise as i look at the girl on the floor. she's beautiful. "here, let me help you up," i say as i offer her my hand, she took it.

her hands are cold.

i gaze into her eyes and i can see her mouth slightly agape. it felt like years went by as i just couldn't look away. her eyes, so soulless, yet they sparkled grey in my way.

i notice that i'm still holding her hand and let go of it. "sorry," i manage to say, i so desperately want to reach for her hand again.

i gulp and ask: "so.. uhm... what's your name?"

"i'm ayano aishi," she tells me. "what's yours?"

"i'm taro yamada."

"how come i've never seen you before?" she asks me.

"i'm not sure, how have i not seen you before?" i turn the question around.

osana ran up to me from behind and called me away: "senpai! i need help picking a club, come with me and raibaru!"

"i think i have to go," i tell ayano. "hope i'll see you again some time soon!"

"it was nice meeting you," she tells me as the final words before we go apart.

i can't believe it! how have i seriously not noticed such a wonderful person walking around akademi? i guess she's a loner like i am.

"i think that the cooking club is really cool, i've always wanted to master cooking! the members are also so sweet," osana says to raibaru and i.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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