Chapter 15 - Family

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Niko was a fugitive. The pungent smell of fish mixed with the salty tang of the sea air, creating an atmosphere that was both foreign and oddly calming. He gazed out at the vast expanse of water, the horizon blurring into an indistinguishable line between sea and sky.

His escape from Singapore had been distressing, but now, on the fishing boat, he allowed himself a moment of respite. The crew, grizzled fishermen who barely spoke a word of English, ignored him for the most part, focusing on their tasks. Niko appreciated their indifference; it gave him the space to gather his thoughts and plan his next steps.

With a sigh, he pulled out his phone, carefully shielded from any potential tracking. He accessed a secure network Priya had set up for him and began reading the fabricated stories online. The media was awash with headlines painting him as a villain: "Former CEO Tesic Implicated in Mysterious Death of Founder Thomas Edmundsson," "Tesic on the Run: A Fugitive Scientist's Fall from Grace," and "Dark Secrets of NAPPA Inc. Unveiled."

The social media feeds were even worse, filled with vitriol and wild speculation. People he had never met were condemning him, dissecting his life and motives with a ferocity that left him reeling. He knew that public opinion was easily swayed, but seeing the extent of the misinformation campaign against him was both disheartening and infuriating.

As the boat approached the Indonesian coast, Niko braced himself for the next phase of his journey. The fishermen dropped him off at a secluded spot, and he offered them a grateful nod before disappearing into the dense foliage. He knew he had to keep moving, to stay one step ahead of those who hunted him.

Indonesia was a world away from the sleek, modernity of Singapore. The streets of Jakarta were chaotic, dirty, and crowded, filled with stray animals and an overwhelming blend of odors. Niko found solace in the anonymity the vibrant city provided. He blended in with the crowd, just another face among millions, making his way through the labyrinthine alleys and bustling markets.

Priya's messages were his lifeline. She guided him to safe houses hidden in the poorest parts of the city, where he could disappear for a while. Each location was more dilapidated than the last, with crumbling walls and makeshift roofs barely holding off the relentless heat and humidity. Niko didn't care. All that mattered was staying hidden.

Living day-to-day, Niko had to be resourceful. He paid for shelter, food and essentials either with cryptocurrency or with the dwindling pile of cash Priya had managed to give him. The local warungs, small family-run food stalls, provided cheap meals of rice and satay, allowing him to stretch his funds. He avoided larger establishments and kept his head down, knowing that any misstep could lead NAPPA's operatives right to him.

Priya was taking a great risk to help him, and Niko appreciated it deeply. Her network of contacts and safe houses was his only shield against capture. She never explained how she managed to maintain such a network or why she had chosen to stick by him despite the danger. Niko, sensing the burden she carried, chose not to ask too many questions. He marveled at her resilience, knowing she was taking enormous risks just to keep him alive.

The bustling streets of Glodok, Jakarta's Chinatown, provided cover as he moved between hiding spots. The crowded lanes, filled with vendors selling everything from counterfeit electronics to traditional medicines, offered a perfect backdrop for evasion.

In one particularly decrepit safe house in Tanah Abang, Niko found a brief moment of peace. The building was a derelict structure, with peeling paint and broken windows, but it was hidden behind a maze of narrow alleyways that few outsiders dared to navigate. Here, he could rest and gather his thoughts, even if just for a short while.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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