Chapter 11 - The First Patient

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Two years earlier

Niko stood at the edge of the sterile lab, watching as Ryan lay down calmly in the huge MRI. The MRI was giving a low buzz, as if it was excited to get to work. The tension in the room was palpable, the culmination of years of work and anticipation. The first human trials of the nano-robots were about to begin, and Ryan was the first human test subject. Although, under normal circumstances, you would have to undergo significant regulatory procedures before starting such testing, thanks to Gen. Meyer's connections, this hurdle was easily passed.

Now, the room around them was filled with advanced medical equipment, and the team was preparing for the procedure.

"Are you ready, Ryan?" Niko asked from behind the glass over the speakers, his voice steady but his heart pounding.

Ryan, wired head to toe with sensors monitoring his heart rate, blood pressure, and EEG for brain activity, smiled reassuringly. "Let's do this."

Niko nodded and turned to the team. "Start the procedure."

Nanobots, programmed to enter Ryan's central nervous system, were administered through a simple injection into his bloodstream. Since Ryan was healthy, the nanobots didn't have a specific disease to target; instead, they were designed to roam the blood vessels and monitor for any developing pathologies. The team watched the monitors intently, tracking the progress of the tiny devices as they navigated through Ryan's body. Initial readings were promising—the nanobots were functioning exactly as designed.

Ryan's vitals remained stable, and he showed no signs of discomfort. As the hours passed, the team conducted a series of tests to ensure the nano-robots were performing their intended functions. Ryan reported feeling a slight tingling sensation, but otherwise, he felt normal.

"Everything looks good," Niko announced to the whole team which was watching in the adjacent room relief evident in his voice. "The nano-robots are integrating perfectly." Even through the thick walls, he heard cheers. However, Niko remained seated, his eyes glued to Ryan's EEG readout.

After the initial rounds of congratulations were over, Niko approached Ryan.

''Hey, how do you feel?''

''Never better, why do you ask?''

''I saw something weird on your EEG, shortly after the nanobots crossed the blood brain barrier. It seemed like a slow theta wave activity for some minutes. I can show you the readout if...''

''What are you saying, Nick? That I had a seizure sitting right here in from of you? I'm fine, buddy, relax. You've done great! Now come and celebrate!''

The successful trial with Ryan had been a significant milestone, elevating the spirits of the entire team. It also paved the way for further testing.

"We need volunteers," Ryan announced in their next team meeting, his voice elated. "People who believe in this project as much as we do. Why don't we again leverage the team here? Who wants to give it a shot?''

''I'll go next," Gen. Meyer said, her tone resolute. "If we're going to change the world, I want to be part of it."

Kuryakov quickly followed suit. "What the hell, count me in," he said with a grin. "I've always wanted to see the inside of my own brain."

Edmundsson nodded as well, his eyes gleaming with ambition.

''What about you Niko?'' Ryan asked.

Niko was a little bit thrown off by this request. He ''Well as you know, Ryan, I have an old metal implant after I broke my hand as a child. So, unfortunately I cannot go into the MRI.'' Although this was true, Niko did not feel comfortable with the turn of events. It was against his ideals on how clinical trials should function to test drugs on yourself and your team. He had also noticed that both Lopez and Priya remained slient, but thankfully nobody pushed them further.

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