Chapter 27: Messy Classroom Debate

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"What are you doing here, weirdo?" I asked, crossing my arms and giving her my best "I can't believe you're this stupid" look.

"You think you can just get away with throwing eggs at me and Deanesh? You've got another thing coming," she snapped, her voice rising.

"Then why don't you do something about it right now, goofy?" I replied, my tone dripping with sarcasm.

"You sure have a mouth on you," she sneered, trying to look intimidating.

"What do you really want, Carmen?" I demanded, already tired of this pointless conversation.

"I came to break the news to you," she said, her voice full of fake sweetness.

"What news?" I asked, bracing myself for the nonsense she was about to spew.

"Anthony and I are back together," she declared, smirking as if she had just won some grand prize.

"That's amazing," I shot back, my voice thick with sarcasm. "You two tramps deserve each other. Now GET THE HELL OUT OF MY YARD!"

"Or what?" she challenged, stepping closer as if daring me to do something.

I was about to give her a piece of my mind, but my mom heard the commotion and pulled me inside before things escalated. I wasn't even mad about her and Anthony getting back together-I was just disgusted at how quickly he moved on after claiming to love me. What a fool I had been. But honestly? I didn't care anymore. Those losers could have each other.

My mom told Carmen to leave, and despite her barking like a rabid dog, she finally slunk away. Mom came to my room, concern etched on her face.

"What was that all about?" she asked, sitting down beside me.

I told her everything about the breakup with Anthony, Carmen's pathetic visit, the whole ridiculous saga. She could see in my eyes that I was done with it. She hugged me and said, "It's okay to be okay."

As soon as she left my room, I grabbed my journal and poured out every bit of frustration. With music blasting, I let the words flow freely. Hours passed, and an idea sparked in my mind. Maybe I should go out in the middle of the road and just and I did just that.

While laying in the middle of the road, I didn't care if a car was coming. Staring up at the stars, I found a rare moment of peace. Just as I was losing myself in the tranquility, a voice broke through.

"Hey, crazy girl, what are you doing?" It was Adam, a classmate with a reputation for mischief.

"Minding my business. You?"

"No need to get feisty. Just wondering if you're okay," he replied with a chuckle.

"My bad. I wasn't, but now I am."

"I get it. This does seem peaceful, but aren't you scared a car might come?"

"It sure is peaceful. And no, not really. Why don't you join me?"

"Hmmm, I don't know. I mean, we could get run over."

"Okay, scaredy cat."

"I'm no scaredy cat."

"Well, you're definitely a chicken."

"Fine, I'll join you."

After a bit of playful banter, he finally laid down next to me. We laughed and gazed at the sky, enjoying each other's company. Adam turned out to be pretty cool, not just the fool who set off a stink bomb in computer science class. We had been classmates since middle school, but I always thought he was weird. Now, I was starting to see him differently.

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