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"..I didn't actually think you'll be dating him!" Richie shook his head in disbelief,

"What's the big deal!? You have no problem with me liking boys. What's the big deal that I'm dating chad?" Ethan questioned,

"You have no idea, do you?" Richie asked, glancing at Ethan, who shook his head,

"No, I have no clue why everyone's upset that I'm dating Chad." Ethan replied, frowning,

Richie sighed, "he's randy meeks nephew, that's why." Richie said it like it was the most simplest thing ever.

Ethan stared at him in confusion, "Okay..what's that gotta do with me and Chad dating?"

"Randy is dad's numer one enemy! Don't you get it? You can't date someone related to Randy meeks! No wonder dad's so pissed. You're dating a meeks!" Richie told him,

Ethan rolled his eyes, "Oh my god! Their brief was twenty-five years ago! Chad and I weren't even born by then. Whatever brief dad and Randy had should stay between them."

Richie let out a laugh, parking in front of their house, "Try telling that to dad."

"I will." Ethan got out of the car, slamming the door behind him and walking towards his house, and Richie was quick to follow.

Ethan opened the front door and almost slammed the door in Richie's face,


"Dad, listen, whatever brief you had with Randy meeks twenty-five years ago should stay between the two of you." Ethan quickly said before he could chicken out.

"Okay, first of all, I didn't give you permission to date, and second, a meeks?! A fucking meeks out of all the boys in this town, you had to pick someone related to Randy meeks!?" Billy snapped,

"Yes, dad! I picked someone related to Randy meeks because Chad's the only person I like!" Ethan argued, "and it wasn't like you were ever going to give me permission to date anyway!"

"Of course not! And you're not dating Chad, and that's final!" Billy told him,

"I can't stop dating chad just because you tell me too!"

Ethan and Billy stared at each other for a moment,


"Papa!" They both turned to Stu, who looked amused by all it, standing next to Quinn, who looked equally amused.

Stu laughed, "Okay," stu walked over to both of them,

"E, baby, you can't just ignore your dad's rules. The rules are their for a reason," Stu told him before he looked at Billy,

"Billy, you can't tell our kid who to date, even if that boy turned out to be Randy's nephew."

"But Stu, I can't allow Ethan to date, especially this chad!" Billy argued,

"You don't allow me to do anything!" Ethan snapped, "You're always so strict with me, and I hate it! I'm seventeen dad, I want to go out with my friends, I want to date Chad, I wanna do normal teen age things!"

"Yeah, well, you can't! And that's final, so stop arguing with me on this!" Billy told him, and Ethan eyes began to water,

"I hate you." Ethan rushed past his parents, and up the stairs and going into his room, slamming the door shut.

Quinn walked over to her parents, "I'll talk with him, but so not cool, dad." Quinn walked up the stairs,

"I, for one, agree with dad," Richie commented, "and I would love to stay and chat, but I got stuff to do, so good luck."

Richie smiled before he left the house, and Billy let out a deep sighed,

"I fucked up didn't I? My own kid hates me." Billy mumbled, clenching his fists, wanting to punch something, but maybe he could just take out his anger on Chad, stab him repeatedly.

"E doesn't hate you, Billy. I remember all those times you said things that you don't mean when you were angry," stu told him,

"We gotta accept the fact that Ethan isn't a little kid anymore, and we can't protect him as much as we like, and with Quinn said, chad doesn't seem like a bad kid."

Billy huffed, "I got to talk to him."

"Give him some time to cool off."

688 words


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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