Chapter Two: The Unexpected

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[1 day later]

Stefan opened his heavy eyes and sat up in his bed. He glanced across his night stand and looked at the time. It was 7:30 am. He jumped out of bed and quickly dressed himself. He was on his way downstairs when he found himself standing in Caroline's doorway. He admired her from a distance as she stirred in her sleep. Her luscious blonde hair surrounded her face and shoulders. She really is beautiful Stefan thought. He sensed the presence of Damon behind him causing him to break out of his thoughts. Damon rose his eyebrows and cleared his throat. "Want to explain to me why you're standing in Caroline's doorway just, you know, casually watching her?" Damon inquired with a curious tone of voice. Stefan turned around. His cheeks were red from embarrassment. "I wasn't, I was just-" Stefan paused trying to think of what to say to his brother next. "You were just creepily watching her sleep? Or is this just another 'best friend thing' you guys do?" Damon smirked making finger quotes at his last words. Stefan looked down at his feet "I have to go make breakfast." Stefan mumbled as her walked down the hall and then downstairs and into the kitchen.

Stefan was flipping the last pancake when he felt two familiar hands cover his eyes from behind. "Guess who?" Caroline asked excitedly. Stefan smiled "Hmm.. I don't know, maybe my perky, blonde, best friend, Caroline?" "Nope wrong answer." Caroline giggled. "Try your perky, blonde, best friend, the person in charge of decorating the school gym for the dance this weekend!!" Caroline squealed, jumping up and down like a little girl. Stefan smiled a pure smile. "What would a high school dance be if it wasn't decorated by the one and only, Caroline Forbes?" Stefan smirked. Caroline giggled, "Hmm, a dance not decorated by me? Then don't bother going because it wouldn't be a very good dance, Stefan." Caroline played along with his sillyness. "You got me there." Stefan admitted. Caroline smiled and placed her hands on her hips, satisfied and proud of herself for winning their playful little argument. "C'mon, lets eat." Stefan grabbed the two plates of pancakes and placed them on the table. Being the gentleman that he his, he pulled out Caroline's chair. "Why, thank you, Mr. Salvatore." Caroline said looking straight into his emerald green orbs. "It's my pleasure, Miss Forbes." Stefan said while settling down in his own seat.

Stefan and Caroline ate their last bites of the fluffy pancakes and crispy bacon. As soon as Caroline was finished with her meal, Stefan stood up to gather the dishes. "Oh, Stefan. Always being a gentlemen." Caroline smiled, shaking her head. Stefan laughed at Caroline's comment while throwing the dishes into the dish washer.

Damon appeared in the doorway of the kitchen. "Mmm.. Something smells awful. It must be Stefan's cooking." Damon smirked. Stefan and Caroline's heads turned in the direction of Damon. "Actually, it was delicious." Caroline said, flashing a small smile at Stefan. Caroline got up and pushed in her chair. "Thanks for the pancakes, Stef." Caroline hugged Stefan. "I would stay and chat but I have a dance to plan. See you at school!" She yelled as she walked out the front door of the Salvatore Boarding House. "Hey, did you hear that Stef she'll see you at school." Damon mocked. "Oh c'mon, shut up." Stefan said shifting his eyes toward Damon. "Okay whatever you say, Stef!" Damon said in his best 'Caroline' voice.


The loud sound of the last bell rang through the halls and classrooms of Mystic Falls High school.

Caroline jumped out of her seat and ran to the door of the Chemistry classroom. Chemistry, that's what Stefan and I have Caroline thought. She snapped out of her thoughts at the sound of her teachers voice. "Caroline, we need to talk about your grades." Her head whipped around as marched over to her teachers desk.

"Wait what? My grades are good. I make good grades in this class." Caroline remarked. "No, Ms. Forbes, you've gotten C's and D's all semester. All your-" Caroline cut the teacher off right there. "I have good grades in this class" Caroline stared into her teachers eyes, compelling him.

Mr. Saltzman sat there and laughed in her face. It was a drunken laugh, almost evil.

A look of confusion washed over the blondes face. "Wow. I didn't think you'd stoop that low. You're pathetic. Compelling your teacher to get a good grade in Chemistry? Haven't you taken this class at least 20 times in the last 100 years? C'mon Caroline. You should at least know the basics." Mr. Saltzman snarked. "Who are you?! And what do you know?" Caroline felt her veins form on her face, her fangs ready to cut through her gums. "I'm Alaric Saltzman. I know that you and Stefan Salvatore are vampires, and I know that you have a stake in your chest." He smiled a devilish smile. "What? I don't have a-" Caroline's eyes widened when she felt a wooden stake plunge through her chest, brushing against her heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2017 ⏰

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