Things are just starting...

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(Well if you're confused, see the 1st chapter)
Nurse: He really is drugged, it will take time for us to take off the effect of the drug and for him to recover, is there any explanation for why he got drugged?
Zip:no... All I know is that he had a yellow liquid in his eye when the drug started to take effect.
Nurse:Ok.. Well, do you know what drugs he used?
Oliver:I think it was happy pills qnd happy silly
Nurse:Okay, follow me
*In a room with a computer*
Nurse:Right here it says that this drug can be deadly, that if it is not cured it can turn even part of the body, making that person stop talking, have strange and paranormal behaviors, such as talking to themselves or to the wall, appearing to hear voices, and that the only objective is to smile even when someone dies
Zip:*Start to cry*

*A few days later*

Oliver: Zip? Are okay? We received a warning from the nurse, we have to check on Edward!
     *in the infirmary*
Nurse:Well, about him... ah... he's fine, he can walk now, he's just a little dazed
*Zip goes to the stretcher where Edward is*
Oliver: Zip, wait!
     *Zip hugs him*
Zip:I thought you were going to die! Please promise you won't get high again! Dude I love you!
Edward:You... you love me?
Zip:She turns red and embarrassed so she makes up an excuse* just as a friend, right?
Edward:I love you too... Just as a friend
Zip:y-yes, friends..
Edward: Zip?
Zip:That's it, let's go to the living room!
*The next day*

Oliver: Shit, why do we have to clean Claire's body? *He throws the dead body into the dumpster, but that dumpster was strange... very strange...*
    Because of the strange trash can
*In heaven, Claire is an angel, and with her powers she sees the earth and sees Oliver throw his corpse in the trash and becomes angry*

Renay (My new oc, he is a demon)- Claire! I saw that you don't like that school, I can make the students suffer!
Claire:No thanks, Renay
Renay:*Thought*I'm a demon, what do you think I'm going to do? THE CONTRARY TO WHAT YOU SAID-
   *He leaves, to hell, where his place to make potions is*
Renay:PALAREAIS BUNDASTES WSKEKEJECJCSJ AAA- Wait, I need some ingredients before-
*he looks at his things*
Renay:Cool, I DON'T HAVE ANY SHIT OF THE INGREDIENTS-Oh, I already know>:3 *He possesses a boy, making him place a trash can next to the others with the words "Put corpses, insects here!"*
*minutes later*

Renay:I already have all the ingredients! *As Claire, he can see the land, and sees that his victim he is going to possess, Engel, is almost committing suicide*
A DON'T EVEN GO ACHALAKAAAAAAA *he pulls the power from the pot where the potion was* HAAHAH, BOCETAIS, NAREGETE, MARACAIS,MOREOISSS,GOSETOIS, CUZASTES, CATCH THE VISIONOOOOOO *he puts the power in Engel, leaving him possessed and Renay makes him takes an ax and goes after his first victim, Oliver* (END PART 2,FINALLY)

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