After Party

520 7 15

Fun fact: I wrote this on a plane

Bradley's POV:

When I woke up, my head was already throbbing.
"Fuck." I groaned as I rolled in my bed, seeing a familiar ginger with sunglasses. Oh my god Bobby is in my bed. I screamed from shock and scooted back, falling off my bed with a loud thud.

This woke him up, as he looked around frantically, spotting me on the floor.
"Oh, morning Brad."
"Uhm," I tried to wrap my head around this, he was laying in my bed without a shirt, "first off, it's Bradley, second, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN MY BED!"
I shouted, standing up, realizing I was only wearing my boxers and for some reason a singular sock that wasn't even mine.
"Oh.. uhhhh.. god we were drunk." He laughed.

"Get your micro dick self out of my bed."
"Oh, you would've said otherwise last night." He laughed as he pulled up his sunglasses, winking at me.

Oh my god. Did we? No. Oh my god. We fucked didn't we. That's why I'm in boxers.
"Wha- I- DID WE HAVE SEX?" I asked frantically, planning to jump out a window if he said yes.

"Nah, I'm pulling your leg. I just greened out and you let us crash in your room."
"Us?" I asked quietly as a low groan came from the floor at the end of my bed.

"Guys, shut the fuck up, it's too early for this, and I have a huge hangover."
"Goof? Is that you?"
He sat up and rested his arms on the foot of my bed, laying his head in them.
"You know it baby." He smiled and winked at me.

"Ok... I don't remember anything from last night, so I need you two to explain, and then immediately leave.."

Max had made a pallet on my floor, where I assumed he slept.
"So like, basically," Bobby started, "Max and I were like, super drunk, and we brought these chicks back to our dorm, fucked; it was super awesome, then we came back here so they could drive their cars home, and we stayed and drank, and I was smokin' a little too much and started feeling like I was drying. And PJ was already at the dorm cause he doesn't drink or smoke or anything. So you were like 'oh yeah, crash in my room I don't mind', ya know, bein' nice cause you were drunk. Heheh, so we crashed here. I was on the floor, but you have fucky ass carpet and this big ass bed, so I just slipped in here."
I looked at Goof.
"Oh yeah, I like, couldn't even stand, y'all had to help me up here." He laughed softly.

"Okay, all of you, out of my room, and out of my house."
"You still mad I didn't take up your second Gamma offer?" Max teased as he stood up, stumbling a bit.
"I am not, get out!"
"Dude, I don't think I'm good to drive." Max slurred his words as Bobby got up, Max leaning on him.
"I have the worst headache right now."
I groaned,

"You two can stay, but you can stay downstairs." I pointed to the door, and they walked out and down the hallway, Bobby holding Max up as support.
I looked around at my messy room, there were blankets and pillows everywhere, as well as a worry some about of beer cans and Solo cups, and it reeked of weed.

"Ughhh." I groaned, rubbing my temples as I began to clean, grabbing one of the trash bags I kept in a box in my bottom drawer of my night stand.
"Need some help?" I whipped my head around as Max leaned in my door way.
"I said, downstairs." I pointed past him.
"Yeah, but I left my phone up here." He walked a little more straight to his spot, picking up his old, scrappy flip phone.
"But do you need some help?"

He ignored and walked over to my night stand, grabbing his own trash bag, and beginning to clean the other side of my bed. I scoffed and rolled my eyes, ignoring him as he swept trash off my dresser.
"Woah, Bradley Uppercrust the third, are these condoms?" I whipped my head around as he picked up a box of condoms I had tucked in between the wall and the dresser.

"I didn't know you were a freak like that," he laughed, putting them back.
"I am not! They're just for... future use."
"Well the future better come within four weeks, cause those expire soon."
"Condoms expire?" I asked, turning to him once again.

"Bradley, did you just ask me if condoms expire?"
"Yes dude, they expire, and those expire in about a month."
"Let me see those." He picked up the box and tossed it back to me as I inspected it, finding black print that almost blended in with the color of the box.
"Oh shit, they do."

It was a small box, contains about 10 condoms.
"I can use these."
I say, even though the box was unopened and I'd had it for almost a year.
I think I just forgot about the box, but I also refused to sleep with girls.
Ya' know, being gay and shit.

"If you want, I could help you get a head start!" Max laughed as he swept cups off my dresser.

"Shut up Freshman." My face heated up as I turned back to the trash.
"Well if you ever change your mind, my offer still stands."
He chuckled, making a dumb, goofy "he-yuck" sound.

"Shut it, i'm not gay."

I rolled my eyes and continued picking up trash, ignoring his next attempt to talk to me. Then I remembered what he said to me.
He doesn't care who I am. Or what I do.
"You really think you're going to beat me?" I asked snarkly.
"I know I am." He smiled at me.
"Right, well, may the best win."

I put my fake friendly bullshit again, already trying to plan who to sabotage Team 99. Dumbass name.
"Hey uh, me and the guys were gonna to the coffee shop for lunch, you wanna come along?"

Why is he being nice to me? Why is he trying to be my friend? Maybe this is good for me, so I can befriend him. Or maybe he's trying to trick me before I do him. Either way, this is a chance I have to take.

"Sure, why not."
"Cool, we're heading over at one, that good for you?"
"Of course!"

By the end of our cleaning session, it was 11 and we had two trash bags full.
"See you at one, Uppercrust." Max smiled at me as he left.
"See you, Freshman."
I rolled my eyes and brought the bags out to the dumpster, going back to my room and setting out an outfit for the cafe.

Just a plain white button up and high waisted black dress pants with a thick leather black belt to match. I took off the sock that very much did not belong to me and threw it in a trash bag.

Why do I keep getting myself into shit like this? Why do I keep associating myself with Team 99. They're my rivals, I can't have this. I need to go out and train for the games, not hang around a bunch of horney freshmen's.

Whatever, maybe I can use this to my advantage. Maybe that should just be my strategy. Be their friend until the game.
Sounds like a stable plan to me.
If I can't manipulate Max and Bobby, I can definitely get to the big softy.

This could work.

What could go wrong?

What I get a little crush on Max?

Ha! I doubt that.

Word count: 1318

"See you at the games Freshman." (Maxley)Where stories live. Discover now