Hypocrisy go crazy

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it's been almost a week, ig yall deserve more😪

Bradley's POV:

I don't know how I keep ending up with Goof and Bobby helping me clean my room, but I do. And every time, I want to kill myself .

I picked up beer cans and threw them into the bag, dumping the cigarette tray in there too. Max got down next to me and dug under my bed for any trash under there, arching his back as he got further. He has a good arch game I will say. Suddenly he laughing and scurrying from under the bed. His laugh was heavily muffled, but it grew loud as he came from under it.
"Oh wow! Bradley Uppercrust the Third, is a hypocrite!"

Max laughed as he held up a stuffed lion I've had since I was a baby, I can't sleep without it.
I gasped as my face grew hot and I reached to grab it from him. He moved away and tossed the toy to Bobby.
"Woah, this is yours Brad?"

"Give it back!" I begged as Max held me back.
"This old thing got a name? Is it Bradley Uppercrust the fourth?" The two of them laughed as tears of embarrassment and shame began to swell in my eyes.
"Guys please give it back!"
Max and Bobby began to toss it back and forth.
"Be careful with him!" He's got a loose thread. I was worried they would rip him.
"Sure, only if you apologize for making fun of me!" Max bargained as he waved my lion at me.

"Okay! Fine! I'm sorry for making fun of you and being a hypocrite, please give him back."

Max tossed him to me, and I held him close, inspecting him for any possible injuries.
"Tsk tsk tsk." Bobby laughed as I set him on my bed.
"The two of you... out." I said sternly, refusing to look at them as my eyes swelled.
"What was that?" Bobby asked.

I looked up as a tear tracked down my face.
"I SAID GET OUT! GO!" I pointed to the door.

Bobby and Max exchanged confused looks before Bobby shrugged, shoved his keys in his pocket, and walked out.
"Brad, we didn't mean to upset you-"
"I don't care Max, just leave..."
He opened his mouth to speak but I turned away, and I heard him walk out the room, shutting the door behind him. I held my Lion, Mr. Mayne, in my arms, curling into a fetal position and crying for a long while, feeling dumb and embarrassed and childish... and he still doesn't like me. God I hate him. And I hate myself.

I am such a fucking loser.

This is not the Uppercrust my father raised me to be..

I should've let him burn this when he said he would..

Max's POV:

After we left Bradley's place, me and Bobby headed to the library to study like we planned to.
I really didn't mean to upset Bradley, I was just having fun.
I felt kinda bad for it, but he also sucks, and maybe he deserved it.
He can't swallow his own pill.

Whatever, he's a bitch, even though I love him.

Speaking of loving him, I hate myself for it.
He's the worst person ever, he's a manipulative liar with anger issues and I hate him.
Maybe I don't even like him, maybe it's just cause he's got a cute face and a dumb haircut. And I guess I like his laugh, and his prissy clothes and crooked bangs and straight teeth. His shoes that look too big for his feet. The way he bends over the pool table when he plays. Or the thought of him having a little stuffy he can't sleep without.

Wait what am I doing?

Why am I thinking of reasons I like him?
This is so infuriating.
I like the same guy I would stone to death if I could.
"What are you doing to me Bradley?" I mumbled to myself as I began to doodle on some paper.
"What'd you say?" Bobby whispered to me.
"Just thinking out loud.." I continue to doodle, pushing my book off to the side and focusing on my paper.

"See you at the games Freshman." (Maxley)Where stories live. Discover now