Chapter 1

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The thing about high school is that its routine doesnt change. The daily cheerleaders being sluts, heartless jocks, nerds, class clowns, emos, and then theres me. Miles Jarren Grace the gay faggot that everyone bullies and no one care to help.

I arrive at my locker and get my books for 1st period. Someone grabs my waist and I dont even bother to respond to it. If I slapped their hands away I'll probably get punched, if I stayed still and not say anything maybe they'll leave me alone. Bad choice Miles.

"Are you going to just ignore me Miles?"

I knew that voice..that evil voice of his. Reed Baxter. Popular guy with the popular girl, the popular friends the popular star football title, and the 'oh so popular life.' Reed being the bully that he is knocks my books out of my hand. The second they hit the floor he kicks them, spreading them even farther from me. His follows/friends laugh at me. I should of known he would bring them here to see me get humiliated. He always does. Crouching down to pick up my books, Reed bumps me with his leg making me lose my already poor balance and causing me to fall over. I look up and see his signiture smirk on his face. I have to remind myself that he finds me humorous.

"Since i have you attention now. You. Me. Bed.", Reed says followed by a few chuckles from the little crowd around us.

I was suprised when I did this. For the first time I spoke to him and it wasnt one of those nice greetings.

"Can you talk in a complete sentence or is your GPA that bad."

I mean it was lame, but I felt powerful. I back talked my bully and he hasnt even hit me yet. One of his friends laughed. I didnt want a response from anyone, just for them to leave me alone.

"Someone growed balls today. Let me guess, you officially came out of your god damm closet!?" Why did you wait so long? Everyone knows your the faggot of the school."

Tears began to prick my eyes and I ran away from the pointing fingers and their laughs that erupted in the hall. Why do i even wake up everyday? Im already an insecure 16 year old gay boy, with zero friends, a foster family, and a hot bully. Wait...did I just call Reed hot! I forgot that Im also crazy. I wish i could die right now.

After crying for what seems like hours. Probably was hours since I could smell lunch. My stomach growled as I neared the cafeteria. I gets my tray and find a table far away from society. I use to eat outside until one of the teachers had to stick their nose up in my business. She told me that I need to interact with others my age. Even if i did want to make friends, no one likes me. A couple of girls passed me with their own trays of food and a couple of them laughed at me and whispered stuff to their little gossip buddies. I knew I looked a mess and I knew they were talking about me. My hair was probably sticking up from pulling my hair during my emotional breakdown and my eyes were most likely red and swollen. I sighed and finished the lunch that sat in front of me.

Reed came across my table and stopped to look at me. I lowered my head, counting the diffrent signitures written in marker on the table. I didnt want him to see me like this, knowing he caused me to be this ruffed up kid with dried tears on his face. I heard him tell his friends to 'go ahead'. I knew they were confused because Reed never stops at this table. When or if he does he makes fun of me and he usually has his friends with him. Out of the corner of my eye I could see his navy blue shirt that fit him so well. He sat down!...And hes opening his sandwich?....Hes eating with me!....But why?

"Why you look like that?", he says

Dang it! He seen my face! Keeping my head still down i speak.

"Who cares?"

"I do. Now spill."

"I-I was crying" I stuttered. He was looking at me. I felt his gaze on me and I didnt like it. It made me nervous for some reason. But who wouldnt? I talked to Reed for the first time today.

"Why?", he asked

Reed is officially the most senseless human being on Earth. Does he remember what he did to me? He humiliated me in front of everyone. He humiliates me everyday!

"Why!?", he asked more irritated than before

"Because of you, so leave me alone!"

"I was just playing. Cant take a joke I see?"

"It wasnt a joke and its not funny!"

For a brief second Reed looked pained like it affected him more than it affects me, but it quickly vanished and he became angry. This dude had problems. One minute he looks sad. Then hes angry? But Im smarter than him and I know this is one of his games. Whats the reason for him to sit with me during lunch and actually care about my feelings? He obviously wants something from me or its one of his sick jokes. What other tricks does Reed Baxer have up his sleeve?

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