Chapter 1

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Bradley's pov:
"Well fuck you too!"
I slammed my door shut a bit harder than I meant to, making a sound that echoed through the gamma house and made me wince.

I never usually lost my composure with the gammas, sure I was never particularly warm towards them, but I rarely actually lost my temper. But that was before the x-games..

Everyone seemed to blame me, which was completely unfair. Sure, I did have part to play in us loosing, and yeah I nearly killed tank, and maybe if I didn't cheat we would've won.... But that isn't the point, it wasn't all my fault yet the blame was being pinned on me.

Im pretty sure they would kick me out if they could, but they knew if I left the gamma house my father would pull his funding, and there was no way they could afford the house on their own.

I went into my bathroom and ran myself a bath, it's what I always did when I needed time to myself - and I definitely needed sometime to myself now. I made sure the water was just hot enough, not quite scolding but hot enough that it took me a minute to acclimatise to the water, and added some apple cinnamon bubble bath. Sure, it wasn't the most masculine thing, but I cared deeply about taking care of myself and my looks and that meant I had to take time to do this kind of thing, especially when I was stressed out.

I wouldn't normally be stressed when the gammas were mad at me, their opinions didn't matter to me, but this time was different.

It was the first time me and Tank had really spoken since the x-games, and it didn't go smoothly to say the least.

I always cared about Tank a bit more than the other gammas ; we had a history together.

We had gone to high school together, and he was about the only friend I had who didn't just hang out with me for popularity, money, or because they had a crush on me, and the best part was both my parents actually liked him.

When I was 13 my mother and father split up, I didn't care much, they'd never been good for eachother or good for me and my sister, and that was how me and Tank first met. Surprisingly my parents didn't split up because of their loathing of each other, but because my mother decided she wanted to be with... another woman. My father definitely became harsher after that, and part of me always blamed her for it, but despite her choices i was greatful for the first woman she was with, because it was Tanks mother. Whilst they weren't together anymore, it was their relationship that allowed me and Tank to become close.

He was the only person who'd been there for me through everything, which is why him turning on me hurt the most.

I needed to stop thinking about all of this, so I slunk into the bath and closed my eyes, letting the world slip away and the water washed over me..

Max's pov:

"Let's give it up for the Maxman!" Bobby patted me round the back and raised his bottle for a cheers, everyone at the party cheered and raised their drinks to reciprocate his action.

This is what it had been like since the x-games, parties, popularity, and pretty much everything a 19 year old boy could dream of. Well almost everything...

Since the x-games were publicly broadcast and one of the most popular college sports events basically everyone from my high school had seen it, which included Roxanne.

We hadn't really seen each other since we decided we'd be long distance, and from that alone I should've figured out she'd moved on. We still called from time to time and texted nearly every day, but around half way through the first semester we started going days without talking to each other, even weeks at some point, but it wasn't until a week after the x games when it happened..

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