Chapter 6

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Max's pov:
"I should've just listened to you dude, you were right"
I slumped down on the small sofa in our dorm room, I couldn't be asked to do much right now .
I felt so stupid, I had really thought that Bradley changed, that he actually cared about me, but turns out I was just a naive idiot.

"Dude don't beat yourself up about it, you see the best in everyone, you can't help that."
He paused, sitting down on the sofa next to me and handing me a glass of crisp water.
"It's for the better, uppercrusts always been a dick anyways, and I don't think you could charm someone like him into being a good person. Even if you are really good at charming guys."

We both looked at each other and laughed, Bobby had always been so supportive of me, never judged me for one moment, even after I had come out to him and PJ. Don't get me wrong, it's not like Pj hadn't been supportive, but it definitely took him a bit longer to grasp the idea and have it make sense in his head, but once he did he was there for me all the way, even if at some points he had been quite oblivious to why u was hanging around a certain guy so frequently. But Bobby hadn't just been supportive as a friend, he'd help me to tell my dad - obviously he was super supportive of everything and would ask me every other week if I had a boyfriend yet- and be comfortable with other people knowing, to the point where it's really not a secret from anyone anymore.

We laughed and chatted for a couple minutes, drinking our non alcoholic beers (I didn't particularly want to be charged with underage drinking again) and snaking on crips, nachos, and basically anything else that was near our grasp and an easy light snack. But unfortunately we were interrupted by Pj and Mocha coming back from their date.

They'd been gone a few hours, and i knew they'd been to the bean scene and walked around campus for a while, that was what they always did on dates but I never pressed for too many questions about why they were gone for so long for fear of finding out more than I wanted too..

But they didn't come back looking like their normal lovey dovey state, they looked rushed and panicked, even Mocha seemed a bit on edge which was extremely unusual for her.

"Hey guys what's up? You seem panicked"
Bobby had said practically the exact thing which I was thinking.

They both looked at each other, Pj nodding a Mocha to indicate it was her job to tell us what had happened.

"We were walking around campus, we were nearly here walking down the street between Frat Row and the apartment, we were only about two minutes away from here, we saw Uppercrust lying on the ground unconscious, he looked pretty beat up,"

Me and Bobby looked at each other, sure I wasn't on good terms with him but lying on the floor unconscious? Even I didn't do that to him the other night. And how could someone have nocked him completely unconscious, I knew from experience he put up a pretty tough fight so it had to have been someone a lot bigger and stronger than him to have any chance at doing some proper damage, either that or Bradley was too warn out from the other night to put up a good fight.

That thought raced around my brain for a while, making that song of guilt start to rear it's ugly head once again.

Mocha walked around to our phone, picking it up and preparing to make a call.

"Both our mobiles were dead so we came here to use your phone,"
She subtly came closer to my level and very quickly whispered in my ear
"And I thought you'd care to know how he was."

Mocha dialled the emergency services, sending an ambulance to the location where they had found Bradley. What had she meant by she thought I'd care? Why would she think I cared about Bradley? Did she know I wanted to get closer with him? No that was impossible, I mean it wasn't like I had a crush on him or anything, that'd be a lot more obvious. I just.. wanted to be friends with him. Yeah that was all, for us to be civil with eachother and maybe hang out from time to time, nothing more than that. Nope, definitely nothing more, I definitely didn't want to spend time with his beautiful hair and his gorgeous face...

Okay maybe I liked him just a little bit..

Bradley's pov:
I didn't remember much, I had no idea how I'd ended up here. I remember everything going black, flashing lights and sirens, and then nothing.

I was flitting in and out of consciousness, barely able to discern what was happening around me, and then it finally dawned on me. I was sitting in a hospital bed.

I still wasn't sure quite what had happened, my first guess was some kind of skateboarding accident,  I did remember being on my board before this all happened. And then I panicked, what if my father found out? They were sure to notify him if they identified who I was, if I had had a skating accident I was so screwed, he already thought I was a disappointment and a screw up after my performance in the x-games, this would just be the icing on the pitiful cake which is my family life I guess.

But before I could think about any other accident possibilities, the door to my room opened and I doctor came in. She was quite pretty, the type of girl who would've liked me before everything happened. The type I would have gone on one or two dates with before giving up hope on ever finding a girl I actually love, and just being with her to please my father or make my social status look better.

"Mr Uppercrust?"

I went to sit up in an attempt to be more polite, but when I did so I was hit with the most excruciating pain coursing through my back.

"I wouldn't recommend doing that sir," she seemed to chuckle a little bit at the end of this, I had no idea which part of my pain amused her but I was ready to punch her in the face. But of course I'd never hit a woman.

"We don't quite know the specifics of what happened to you, but we think you must've been attacked. There's damage to your back, lower left leg, left shoulder, and head."

Attacked? What does she mean I was..


Max's Pov.
"Yes max, for the tenth time he most definitely regained some consciousness in the ambulance, he isn't dead."

I don't know why I cared so much about whether or not he was okay. Well maybe I had some vague idea.. but it was a thought I didn't particularly want to entertain, just one of those things which cross your mind and you know you should never act upon.

"Are you kids alright?"
The receptionist peered over her desk, looking over us in a judging and discerning manner, as if trying to figure out what the hell we were doing here.

"I..uhh..we're here to see Bradley Uppercrust"

She peered at me through her cracked and aged glasses before clacking away at her keyboard with her overly long acrylic  nails which were in serious need of being re done.

"Sorry, mr Uppercrust has only been recently admitted, it's  immediate family only. His father will be able to decide wether or not his friends are allowed in."

She looked over us with a slightly disgusted look, I could tell she wasn't use to people that dress like us in such a fancy private hospital.

I didn't want to leave Bradley, I needed to make sure he was okay. I don't quite know why I did what I did, but I think it was a mix of impulse adrenaline and pure stupidity.

"I'm his brother. Max.. Uppercrust"

The others all looked at me, puzzled confused and slightly concerned.

"Very well then, you can go in but you lot," she gestured towards everyone else in our group "wait here, not family, not getting in"

I don't think they really cared that much, it was mainly me.

Mocha smirked at me as I followed the receptionists directions to Bradley's room.

This might've just been the stupidest thing I'd ever done in my life, but I couldn't wait

A/n: sorry this is kinda short and late but I wanted to get something posted today. Hope you enjoyed!

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