Chapter One-The Announcement

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Chapter 1

  Hey guys! Am I your favorite YouTuber? Meet me! Contest info in Bio.

   I read Joey Graceffa's tweet a few more times, before it sinks in. My body shivers with excitement. I immediately go to his bio, and my body goes back to normal when I realize how popular it is. The bio led me to a website which lists all the rules.

Hello YouTube lovers!

·Contest information

   There is going to be a contest. You can meet 10 of your favorite YouTubers for free! We will fly you out to L.A, and make sure you meet your choice of ten. You will get a day with each one. This contest will end in 2 weeks. More information will be published later

·How to win

   All you have to do is send out a tweet with the hashtag #youtubecontestLA telling us why you deserve to win this trip, and what you love most about YouTube. One tweet per account or you will be disqualified.


   I exit out of that. I go to my Twitter and start my tweet. The sad thing about Twitter is that you have a limit of what you can write, so it takes me a few times until I finally decide on which tweet I am going to use

I love most about YouTube=the connection you make with the person. I deserve to win this contest bc I feel I've made that connection with many YouTubers.  #youtubecontestLA

   I tweet it, not really expecting to win, but why not give it a shot. I go back and see that Trevor Moran tweeted a similar tweet to Joey's. I favorite and retweet it. After I got done looking at all the other tweets, I log off and get ready for school. Lucky for me, we only have 12 days left untill summer.

   I get dressed, and head dowstairs. My dad is sitting on the couch, with a newspaper and a glass of Orange Juice. He has his reading glasses on, and he is dressed for work.

   My mother left us when I was 5 years old. I don't remember a lot about her, just that she was always yelling and drunk. Until one day, she packed up and left. I also remember not being very sad about it, which sounds terrible, but is true.

"Bye dad, I am going to school." I say.

"Okay. It's your last few days as a senior. Enjoy them." He says.

   I don't really reply to his comment, I just wave goodbye and start my car. During the whole drive there, all I can think about is this contest, but I try to push it to the back of my brain, because  don't want to get too excited.

   I pull into the parking lot, and park my car. I walk into school with my head down, trying to just get to class. As I reach my locker, a feel a tap omy shoulder. Oh turn and see a short girl who must be a freshman.

"Hi. My name is Halle. I was just wondering if you could show me where Mrs. Layman's classroom is? Everyone else keeps ignoring me." She says.

" sure. Layman is right by me. Let me grab my books." I awkwardly grab my books, and lead her to her room.

   We don't have a conversation on the way there, I mostly try my best not to lose her on the way there. Lucky for me, she is so small that she easily slides through the crowds, which means I don't have to wait.

   We reach the doors. She goes to her door, and I go to mine. The day goes by pretty fast today because I have been day-dreaming all day about that stupid contest. I know some rich little daddy's girl will probably win the contest. She will just want to meet a bunch of the boring beauty gurus.

   Once the school day is over, I go to my car and pull out my phone. I decide to drive to Panara because I know not to be on my phone when I drive. Trust me, I don't want to be near this school anymore.

   So, I drive to Panara. Once I get there I order a bagel and a lemonade. Then I go and sit down. I pull put my phone as a take a bite of my bagel. I go and see that the hashtag #youtubecontestLA

is a trending hashtag. Which means it is really popular.

  I feel less confident about winning every second. It would be really cool if I won this. YouTube has been a really big part of my life lately. I don't really have friends of my own, so I turn to YouTube to get the feeling of friendship. It sounds terrible, but I'm not like insane about it. It isn't like I say, Jenna Marbles is my best friend.

   I read through a few tweets only to realize I was right about the whole rich daddy's girl thing. Most if the tweets are I deserve to win because I want to learn more about makeup. We will pay you if I win!

   That is seriously the dumbest thing I have ever read. (Yes, I am including those childhood books about the lion loving the bunny.) The whole point of this contest is for it to be for those who can't afford to meet their idols.

   I seriously almost type that and reply to some of them, but I decide against it. I don't want to get anyone's bad side. The people who made hopefully won't fall for that. If they, then the contest wasn't even worth my time.

   Once I finish my homework at Panara, I pack up all my stuff, and head to the car. I know that I will be coming home to an asleep dad on the couch. So, I think of what I will do for dinner. I eventually decide to just not eat tonight.

   I get home and notice that my dad is not asleep on the couch. I go upstairs and knock on his bedroom door. I hear him say come in, so I do. He is laying in bed with a wet rag in his forehead and his fan on high.

"Are you okay dad?" I ask.

"Yeah, sweetheart I am fine." He replies.

"Are you getting sick?" I ask.

"I think the flu or something. I will be alright. Don't worry about me." he says.

"Okay dad. Goodnight I guess?" I say, more as a question than a statement.

"Night'." He says, with a half smile.

   I close the door and head downstairs to grab a water before bed. Oh then run back up to my room and grab my laptop. I go to Spotify, and turn on my playlist that I created. I Wanna Fly by Trevor Moran comes on.

(AN- Guys seriously I love this song! You should check it out.I will add it in later ;)

   I sing along to the song, because I know every word. I check Twitter again and see a few more YouTubers tweeted similar tweets. That's when I realize that if I were to win this, I need to be prepared with a lost of the ten I want to meet.

1. Shane Dawson

2.Joey Graceffa

3.Ricky Dillon

4.Jenna Marbles

5.Trevor Moran

6.Tyler Oakley

7.Connor Franta




   My list is ready. Now we will have to wait. It's okay...only 13 more days to go. Great.

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