Would anyone like dessert?

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~°~ Audrey ~°~

That was the most awkward dinner I ever had and the thing that actually hurt was that it was my very first dinner with actual guests instead of my father's men.

Yolanda hadn't spoken to her family but they were giving her hard glares including my father. I wasn't that surprised when she touched her sushi. Yes. We had Chinese for dinner. It was all sudden. Just like our engagement.

The elder brother, Trevor set his chopsticks down then narrowed his eyes at his younger sister.
"So, how long have you both known each other?" He asked.
"We've been together for two years, right babe?" Yolanda asked.

One thing that amazed me was her quick brain and advanced memory. I told her everything that I liked because I knew Dad was going to grill her next.

She memorized them in one go. However, I was worried of her flunking out of nerves but as I watched her depict a cool demeanor I had some faith.

"Right." I replied with a smile.
"I thought you were dating Paul for two years." Dad said after putting his detective/stalker cap on. I panicked. We didn't plan that far.

"Of course she was, but Audrey and I met at the gym while they were dating. Our love was becoming stronger and we could no longer resist each other. She was all that I could think about." Yolanda explained while reaching out to hold my hand.

She was a brilliant actress. Even I almost believed her.
"You never told us that you were planning to marry someone." Mrs. Scott remarked. "I thought you were going to come back to your senses and marry a man."

"Mom, we've been through this. This isn't a phase. It's who I am." Yolanda said turning to her family.
"Keep lying to yourself." Mister Scott said. "We all know how irresponsible you can get. For all we know you could've proposed to that girl because you wanted attention."

"You were running away from us." Trevor said. It took me a moment to realize that Yolanda didn't have a great bond with her family. This is what she meant about them earlier.

"Would anyone like dessert?" I asked standing as a way to try and divert attention away from her.

I knew that she could pretend and lie but a person could go so much. Her family were becoming harsh which was even difficult to watch.

Mrs. Scott glared at me coldly before turning to her dinner. Yolanda looked like her but her mother had ocean blue eyes and black hair along with a mole on her left cheek.

Mister Scott and Trevor looked almost identical. Apart from the hair. Mister Scott had blonde hair while Trevor had black hair. Yolanda was the only person with silver-grey eyes. I wondered who did she inherit them from.

"As if a dessert can fix this mess." Mister Scott said while glaring at his daughter. "You're a disgrace and today you embarrassed us."
"I even regret why I asked you to join us for old time's sake." Trevor said.

"I can't believe I spent time in labour giving birth to someone pathetic like you." Mrs. Scott said. "Do you realize how ridiculous this marriage will look back home Yolanda? It will be a joke. We'll be a joke because of you."

"Okay. I think that's enough. You're still under my room and we didn't sell our souls to watch this crap." Dad said with a creepy smile that made the whole table shiver in fear.

From the pleasure of silence his smile grew wider. "Now, I believe my daughter asked a question." Dessert was also takeaway but it still counted.

The Scott family grew quiet while I noticed Yolanda express a frustrated look on her face. This really wasn't going to be easy. I only hoped that we didn't had to suffer for long. But mostly she suffered more than I did which felt wrong.

"That's a 'yes' on the dessert then?" Dad asked then turned to me. "Go and prepare it sweety."
"Of course." I said.

My father's eyes landed on my 'fiancée.'
"Yolanda, may I please share a word with you?" He asked.
"Bien sûr." Yolanda replied in a heavy French accent while standing up from her seat.

I was thinking of asking her if she was French later but upon seeing the perplexed looks from her family I quickly learnt that she wasn't. When she realized that she had spoken in a different language she flinched. "Forgive me. I mean, of course." She said. Dad looked at her in intrigue before beckoning her to a room down the hall.

I swallowed hard as I watched them leave. I turned back to the Scott family who were giving me dirty glares but when they realized that I was looking they stopped and pretended that they were not doing so in the first place.

It was because of my psychopathic father. If it weren't for him then they would have spewed words to cause pain to my heart.

I inhaled softly then walked away after collecting the plates. I wondered if Yolanda was already use to it by now or she was pretending that it didn't really hurt. 


Later that night I was preparing to go to bed but I kept on checking the door every two minutes. Dad was talking to her for hours. I never saw Yolanda after she left.

Her family didn't bother to stay and thank the man of the house for his hospitality and just left. Meanwhile, I remained and wondered if Yolanda was even alive to begin with.

Just as I was beginning to lose hope the door was opened and she stepped inside looking lethargic and slightly shaken.
"I was told to come here before I leave." She said.
"Are you okay?" I asked.

She nodded quietly while rubbing her eyes then pinched the bridge of her nose.
"I will survive Audrey. I've heard similar threats before." Yolanda said as her silver-grey eyes trailed up to mine.
"What did he say?" I asked.

"It was the typical 'what are your intentions with my daughter' kind of questions. And you were right about him asking about your favourite things and hobbies." She explained.
"But he didn't suspect a thing Yolanda, right?" I asked.

I felt relieved when she quietly shook her head.
"No. I highly doubt it." She replied. "Though, I need to head home. See you tomorrow."
"Bye." I said then watched her leave. Maybe she was the answer for my freedom.

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