🖤Sometimes jealousy is also good 😏

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In School:-

{2015:- 3rd standard}

Sage got off the car and was walking towards the gate when she saw Ash also entering inside. Ash also saw her and came towards her.

He said "Hey Sage. Good morning. How're you doing?" Sage smiled and said "I'm fine Ash, just didn't wanna come to the school today. God I hate Mondays so much." Ash laughed and patted her head "It's okay sit with me today, I will make you laugh a lot today since Peyton is not coming." Sage laughed "Idk about laughing but fine, I will sit with you since Shreya is gone."

Shreya had shifted to some other part of the country as her father was in army so now Sage only had Mimi, who had now made another girl, her friend- Zeba.

Sage didn't like Zeba because she found her very rude and judgmental, so she decided to stick with Ash, Vlad, Keyaa, and Peyton.

One morning, both Ash and Sage entered the classroom and saw Keyaa and Vlad chatting and laughing together.

"Hi guys, good morning," Ash greeted, catching their attention.

Vlad and Keyaa looked up. "Hi, good morning," they responded in unison.

Keyaa got up and hugged Sage, who was setting her bag down. "Sage, my girl!"

Sage hugged her back with a bright smile. "Hi, Keyaa girlie."

Both the girls retreated from the hug, and Keyaa moved to embrace Ash while Sage looked to the side and saw Vlad already gazing at her.

"What's up, Vlad?" Sage asked.

Vlad shook his head with a sigh. "Nothing much, just trying not to cry so I can somehow survive in this school and these hot, stupid summers."

Sage laughed. "I agree, these summers suck. It's like, why do they have to appear every year? Just stay in your zone or whatever."

Vlad laughed as well and then asked, "So, how come you're sitting here today and not with Shreya?"

Sage sat down in her seat beside Ash and replied, "Well, Shreya has moved away and won't be attending our school anymore. Mimi is sitting with Zeba, and I don't like that girl, so I'm sitting with Ash."

Vlad nodded thoughtfully. "Well, now Sage will sit with us," he thought to himself, feeling a surge of happiness.

Vlad couldn't help but develop new feelings for her. He wanted to include Sage in his group of friends, but he didn't particularly like Mimi and Shreya, which had always irritated him. Now, with Shreya gone and Sage choosing to sit with them, he felt a sense of contentment.

Throughout the year, whenever Mimi and Shreya weren't around Sage, Vlad made sure to include her in his group. He just wanted her to be with him and his friends. Always.

"Well, that's nice-I mean, sad that Shreya won't be coming to school from now on," Vlad said, catching himself. "Anyways, you could've sat with me, you know. Why sit with Ash?"

Sage shook her head. "Actually, we both entered the school at the same time, and Ash offered me a seat. He said he'd make me laugh, so I thought I'd give it a try. What do you say?"

Vlad laughed and nodded. "Hmm, test him and tell me how good his jokes are."

Sage nodded and went outside with Keyaa to roam around, while Ash headed to the ground to play football until the bell rang for the first period.

Vlad sat back in the class, thinking about Sage and Ash. "He could've sat with Keyaa, and I would've sat with Sage, but this boy offered her to sit with him. I don't like it."

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