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"when i make these strawberries, i use WAPOW FIRST LOVE, then i do BABUMP BABUMP LOVE PANGS, and finally i do KYAAAA WINDS OF LOVE!"

the strawberry girl had a very expressive face as she pumped her fists up and down, bouncing on her toes as her smile dazzled.

in front of her the counsellor, who's usually so stern and poise, now had a blush decorated on her face as she ate these strawberries.

it was incredibly easy to get smitten by the taste of freshly made strawberries.

the women wiggled before gleaming a rare, but bright smile with her rows of white pearls of teeth. "id like to purchase these right now! how much for them!"

before the women could reach her purse, y/n giggled as she heard her cheeks and and smiled widely. "it's on the house! i have the pride of knowing that someone else loves them!"

the two became chibi as the counsellor grabbed y/n hands and shook them quickly, sparkles shimmering around them.

"you're such a sweetheart!"


for the rest of the day, it seemed to fly by unrealistically quickly. y/n had no recollection on what her teacher was talking about.

well maybe that was because she was doodling strawberries in her notebook, but that's beside the point!

for the whole day, all she felt was the burning glares of those around her. all the girls were pointing at her, mocking her as they watched the video that was streamed across the school.

and the boys were all cackling at the video, tousling around with the guy who tripped her up, who seemed to take pride in her her humiliation.

y/n tried to ignore the people who were making fool of her as she sat on the roof, munching on her strawberry cream sandwich.

but it's difficult to do so when at the entrance of the doors were a group of people who were recording her and making pig noises.

so hesitantly, she dropped the sandwich from her face and hid herself from the looming, judgemental eyes of others.

for the remainder of the day, she had a more gloomy aura around her as she felt defeated by those around her.

when school was over, y/n had her bag secured on her shoulders as she begun to feel lighter once walking away from the school.

i promised miya-kun that i would bring him some strawberries tomorrow! i will need to pick out the best of the best for my saviour!

sparkles overwhelmed the girl's atmosphere as she smiled at the thought of the grey haired boy, her heart thumped profusely when she remembered his soft smile.

KYAAAA! HES SO HANDSOME WHEN HE SMILES! she blushed as she covered her cheeks. maybe he'll smile at me again! oh i don't think my heart could take it!

however her peace and love couldn't last forever as a hand suddenly gripped her bag, throwing it off her shoulder and a few feet away.

gasping from shock, she tried to go and grab it but a tight and harsh grip appeared on her wrist as she hastily took herself out of.

placing her own hand on her wrist, she caressed the now red, irritated skin that was now imprinted by hand marks.

looking up, small tears brimmed her eyes as she saw the culprits. it was the boy who had tripped her up, who was now smirking with pride.

STRAWBERRY PICKING | MIYA OSAMUWhere stories live. Discover now