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Selena A. Harris
Dallas, Texas

It was 4:25 am when I heard Caleb's phone continuously ringing. I looked back to see if he would wake up and after hearing snores come out of his mouth, I decided to see who was calling this freaking early in the morning.

"Houston Hoe" The contact read and all I could do was shake my head. I was far from dumb or naive so I knew Caleb was out here cheating on me, I just didn't care enough to confront him about it.

Instead of answering his phone, I rolled back over and closed my eyes. Five hours went by until I was getting up to start my day. I realized the other side of the bed was empty and just shrugged as I made my way to the bathroom.

After handling my hygiene, I stepped out of the shower and got dressed for the day. I truly did nothing but stayed home and I was beyond tired of the boring routine that I was in.

I was also tired of this relationship as it was putting a serious and heavy strain on my mental and physical health.

I brought up wanting to break up to Caleb multiple times and each time he told me he'd kill me before he let me leave him. That's one of the reasons I've been scared to leave but last night put the icing on the cake.

When he choked me I could feel my heart slowing down faster and faster and all I could think about was that he was also trying to kill my baby. I was only about four months but I loved my baby dearly and couldn't wait for he or she to arrive.

I knew that I didn't want my child anywhere near Caleb and that was why I had to leave tonight. Unbeknownst to Caleb, I saved majority of the money he threw me whenever he had a good day on the corner, just for this moment.

I'd cook dinner, clean the kitchen, and leave his plate on the stove then leave the shower on so he'd think that's where I was. By the time he made it home, I'll be long gone.

My only problem is I don't know where the hell to go. My bestfriend, Marie, told me months ago that if I needed her for anything I could just call but that was before Caleb made me push her away.

One day me and Marie were out shopping and this was just a week after I'd quit. She suggested I go back to work so I wouldn't have to solely depend on Caleb to support me and when I mentioned it to Caleb he slapped and punched me until I agreed I would stop talking to Marie.

Of course that was a lie because me and Marie were inseparable but about two weeks later he walked into the room before I was able to hang up and asked me who I was on the phone with. I tried to lie but once he snatched my phone I knew I was caught.

He was so upset that he snatched me up by my hair and threw my phone on the floor before stomping on it until it was nothing but a pile of glass. "Next time listen to me when I tell your dumbass not to do something!" He growled then threw me into the dresser.

That was the last time I spoke to Marie and God did I miss her so much. Instead of dwelling on the past though, I wiped the fresh tears that seemed to have formed and went on Caleb's computer to look for jobs.

Hours had went by making it 4:30 pm and I started preparing for dinner when I heard the door close. Panic started to fill my body but I tried my best to act normal. My bags were packed in the bedroom on the side of the bed and I prayed he didn't go in there.

"I'm home" Caleb announced before coming in the kitchen. "How come your home so early?" I spoke trying not to make my voice so shaky. "I wanted to surprise you, your ass is always mad when I come in late and now that I'm here early it's a fucking problem?" Caleb start to get loud.

"No! No it's not a problem at all, I appreciate it." I gave my best fake smile and when he seemed to buy it, I sighed a breath of relief.

"Dinner's almost ready!" I called out still very anxious. With him home so early I'd have to wait until he was sleep to leave. I was beyond frustrated and all I wanted to do was cry.

I plated the pork chops and yellow rice on the dish then sat it on the table before making myself a plate.

"Selena what the fuck is this!" Caleb roared loudly, scaring me. "What's what?" I mumbled lowly knowing he must've found the duffel bag I packed.

"You trying to leave me bitch?" He scowled and threw the duffel bag against the wall. "N-No! I wasn't trying to leave." I began to shake my head profusely.

"Caleb I wouldn't-" Before I could finish he delivered two blows to my face sending me flying backwards.

I crashed onto the floor and instantly covered my belly, praying he hit me anywhere but there. "Don't you fucking lie to me hoe! I told you I would kill your worthless ass before I ever let you leave didn't I bitch!" He growled.

When I tried to get up he slapped me in my face, telling me to stay down. I balled myself into a corner praying to God that he helped me someway somehow because I felt Caleb was about to try and kill me.

"God please help me" I whispered to myself but Caleb heard. "God ain't gone help you bitch, you don't deserve it."

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