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Wake up, work out, eat and stay away. Staying at home reminds me a little too much of exactly what I'm trying to avoid.

On my way out to the gym, I overhear my parents. They're arguing, again. My father, wishing my mother wouldn't be so weak, and my mother wishing he wouldn't be so harsh on me.

To go into specifics, they are referencing to the times of our backs and forths. I refuse to be a part of whatever they want to call this, but my mother is still convinced I'm going through some kind of phase.

Normally, I'd do more to irritate them. Mess things up, cause a stressful scene. It's the reason I never get to go to dinners. But after the last one, I somehow feel motivated to go to the next.

Her. Evangeline, I think her name was. There was something magnetic about her silenced presence at the casino. She barely said a word, yet her silence spoke volumes. She seemed to know of her captivity subconsciously but never seemed to acknowledge it.

But then again, it's just a hunch. My parents shut it all down immediately when I found out, so I doubt someone as old as she would be any easier to convince. I need to show them all somehow, the dangers of what it is they're doing.

Once I return from my gym visit, I take a shower, get dressed and revisit the library. Here, I spend hours looking through old files, newspapers, articles- anything. Anything to support my research.

So far, it's all been dead ends. But today that all changes as I find an article with the headline: BIRKLINES SPECULATED TO BE INVOLVED IN SCANDAL


I run the comb through my hair a couple more times before finally adjusting my uniform collar and leaving the house. I took up a job at the local cinema simply because I strictly refuse to be a part of my parents' world. They don't know yet, as I go with the narrative of 'going to relieve some stress for a couple of hours' and hide the cash in a floorboard covered with the carpet under my bed.

It still baffles me that my parents would prefer I spend my day sleeping around or visiting clubs over working a humble job.

The day is rather slow; it's Hollywood, so the excitement only ever arrives later in the evening

By seven thirty, the doors can barely contain the queue. Ticket after ticket is sold and it soon becomes muscle memory- type up their names, take the cash, pass them their tickets.

""Welcome to AMC. What w- You." The last word slips out of my mouth unwillingly.

Standing there is the girl- Evangeline. She looks confused, most likely new to the entire scene. Behind the person before her last, I could see glimpses of her looking around in awe.

She's dressed glamorously, as she was that night, in a Ralph Lauren navy blue sweater with a white skirt and shirt underneath.

"Handel" Her glossy lips say, giving away only a half-confirmed recognition.

I put on my best smile as I simultaneously type her name onto the machine. "It is I. What will you be seeing today?"

"Ummm.." She glances up at the booth header with the main movie titles and her sultry voice hums in her throat. I swallow thickly.

"What do you recommend?" She asks.

"I'd go with Army of Darkness. It's pretty new and the rush you'll feel will be insane."

"Okay." She shrugs, reaching into her designer coin purse and retrieving about four dollars worth.

Our hands brush against each other as she hands me the money, and a zap of adrenaline courses through my bloodstream. The dim lighting above her doesn't make this any easier as she watches me with, though cautious, soft, inquisitive brown eyes.

I rhythmically tap against the machine while we wait for the ticket to get printed off. Just as it finishes, both our attentions are captive by the glimpse of what seems to be a child running past the booth.

Without another thought, Evangeline runs over in the direction of the child's path. I walk behind her.

"Evangeline? Evangeline, wait." I call. For someone in heeled platforms (I could hear their thumping on the ground as she ran) she runs pretty quickly.

I eventually catch up, not because I'm fast, but more so because she's crouched to the child's level and is trying to communicate with her.

"Tommy? I think there's something wrong. She won't speak."

I walk up to the girl and check her neck. As expected, there is a barcode and number tattooed on her neck.

Before I can speak, a pair of footsteps can be heard from behind us. We both turn to see a group of men dressed in black t-shirts and trousers. The one with the stoniest expression speaks.

"Hand over the girl."

"What? Why?" Evangeline asks. She's clearly starting to panic, but maintains a strong facade.

The guy steps forward, but so do I. "She's with me. Birkline." I say.

He falters, not really expecting my response, but as usual still cannot retreat. "We have strict orders to get the girl."

"You can't! I'll tell my father about this. Do you not know who I am?" She blurts, glancing at me. I shake my head and her eyes show betrayal.

"There's nothing we can do." I say remorsefully, as we watch the girl get grabbed harshly by the arm and dragged away. Evangeline attempts to run after her again, but I grab her arm, pulling her toward me.

I can feel that she's still shaking and when her breathing patterns change, I look away.

I don't do well with criers.

"How could you let them take her away?" She asks, sniffing as she wipes her tears. "I thought you'd be different."

I sigh. "It's really complicated stuff."

Determined, she steps forward, wiping her eyes again with the backs of her sleeves. "Then tell me."

"I don't think you're ready for that kind of information."

"Try me."

I look at her in the eyes, eyes full of determination even while showing distraught.

I think I hate this system more than you do. But it's just not my place.

I shake my head, walking past her.

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