𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔾𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕥 𝔼𝕤𝕔𝕒𝕡𝕖

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☠︎︎☠︎︎☠︎︎ 𝙰𝚗𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚠' 𝙿𝙾𝚅 ☠︎︎☠︎︎☠︎︎

Me and Will made our way towards the jail cells, ever now and then i had to pull him into the shadows cause of the soldiers patrolling the perimeter. Once we made it to the jail i could hear beating on a cell. I smiled to myself cause i knew it Jack trying to escape.

Once we got to his level he was laying on the ground with his hat over his face as Will spoke.

Will: Are you Jack Sparrow?

Without moving and taking the hat off of his face he said.

Jack: Oyi What of it?

I cleared my throat as i pulled the bone out of the key hole and said.

Andrew: Same old Jack, didn't you learn anything from our time spent in King George's finest dungeon?

When he heard my voice he took his hat off his face and stood up and squinted his eyes at me as he asked.

Jack: Is that you Andrew?

I chuckled as i took off my hood and came out of the shadows, once i did Jack smiled and said.

Jack: Sorry mate, i found the man you wanted but said man caused me to get captured...

He said as he looked toward Will with a stink eye as i spoke.

Andrew: That is water under the bridge now Jackie, we need your help...

Before i could finish Will took over gaining a stink eye of my own toward him.

Will: They took Elizabeth!

Jack chuckled as he said.

Jack: So you found a lass huh?

Will got red in the face looking away as Jack spoke.

Jack: Will i take it's short for William i imagine...

He said as he looked toward me as Will said.

Will: Yeah...

Me and Jack looked at each other then Jack said.

Jack: Good strong name, named after your father i imagine?

Will just nodded as he looked at me and Jack back and forth until Jack clapped his hands together and said.

Jack: Well William Turner, i swear pain of death to reunite you with your bonnie lass....

He said as he brought out his hand to shake, Will looked at me curiously and i laughed then said.

Andrew : It's the closest thing you will get to a pact with a pirate.... I suggest you take it...

He looked back at Jack then instantly shook his hand, once they parted Jack said.

Jack: Ok! Now get me out of here!

Will inspected the bars as he said.

Will: These are cast iron pin barrel hinges, with the right leverage the bars should come free...

He said as he grabbed a wooden bench and put it between the bars and pushed up on them maling them come free and the door hit the ground. Jack looked in awe as he said.

Jack: How did you know that?

Will smirked at him as he said.

Will: I made them..

I cleared my voice and saif as i put on my hood.

Andrew: Gentlemen we might want to get out of here, the soldiers must have heard that...

They nodded to me as they followed me out cause i know these jails and fort like the back of my hand. Once we got outside we saw soldiers running around trying to find Jack but it didn't work.

Jack: You see that ship out there?

We both looked out to see The Intercepter as Jack continued.

Jack: I saw we use that to escape...

I laughed at him as i said.

Andrew: I'll do you one better...

I said as i brought out a conch shell and blowed in it as Jack and Will looked on confused until they saw The Phantom coming in to view then they made an O with their mouths. I mentioned for them to follow me and they did. We ran to the end of the docks and jumped a good 1 foot as we grabbed onto the side of The Phantom as it continued to sail.

We made our way up to the main deck as Calico yelled out to the crew.

Calico Jack: Captain on board!

The entire crew hollered and cheered once they saw me. I waved them off and said.

Andrew: Ok you lot! Back to work!

Me, Jack, and Will walked up to the wheel as i took over from Calico as he stood to my right and Jack and Will stood to my left.

Calico Jack: Where to Capin?

I looked to my quartermaster and said with a stern face while i took off my hood.

Andrew: We are headed to Tortuga lads!

They all cheered as i put The Phantom in the corse for Tortuga, halfway to our destination i saw Jack and Will arguing so i gave the helm to Calico as i went to the bow of the ship and i heard.

Jack: Your father was a scallywag!

Will pulled his sword out and aimed ot at Jack as he said.

Will: No he wasn't! He was a good man!

Jack just grinned at him as he said.

Jack: Put that away, we know what happened last time...

Will: You cheated!

I unshealted one on my swords and aimed it at Will's throat as it glowed in the sunset making Will look my way in awe as he said.

Will: Is those--

Andrew: Yes, yes they are lad... Now i suggest you sheath that sword and realise a good pirate can also be a good man...

He looked at me curious as he sheated his sword and said while i sheathed my sword as well.

Will: You knew him?

I motioned for both of them to follow me as i said.

Andrew: Yes lad, i knew your father... I was part of a crew that he was also apart of.... Until they killed him for not going for a mutiny they did...

I looked over my shoulder and looked at him as i came to a stop at my cabin and said.

Andrew: He was one of the best men i knew... And he would be proud of you.... William..

Jack: Aye he is right lad, he would...

I motioned for Jack to follow me into my cabin as i said.

Andrew: Jack, we have a lot to discuss...

He nodded to me as he went into my cabin, i looked at Will one last time and nodded to him and he did the same. I made my way into my cabin to talk over what we will do when we get to Tortuga.

(To Be Continued)

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