I'd never be the one to fall for someone like Andrew Anderson. He's your typical fuck boy, one that will leave you heartbroken, or so they say.
Coralines Pov:
I've been friends with Andrew for a few years now, He's like my best friend! He wasn't originally my friend until Lance, my older brother brought him around. He flashed me that gorgeous smile and I couldn't help but smile back. He was so handsome, but of course my brother and I had rules. His friends are off limits for me and my friends are off limits for him..
It was the weekend and pretty late when I heard Lance walk into the house. I was sitting on my bed and watching a movie, when I heard Lance call out to me
L: Cora! I'm home, did you eat dinner already?
I got up and went to greet him
C: Hi Lance, and yes I did! Have you?
Lance shook is head and spoke softly
L: No I haven't, I've been with Andrew
Andrew smiles behind him and spoke out
A: Hi beautiful
C: Hey Andrew.
I looked at Lance who rolled his eyes hearing what Andrew said.
C: so what are you guys gonna do now?
L: Andrews spending the night so we're just gonna hangout in my room.
C: Alright! I'ma go finish my movie, I'll talk to y'all later!
I smile and walk off, sitting back on my bed.
A few hours later...
Andrews Pov:
Lance had fallen asleep and I was getting bored so I got up and walked into the kitchen. As I turned the corner I bumped into her. Lances sister Coraline, she looked at me with a soft smile
C: Oh, hi drewy!
I started to smile
A: Hi Cora, whatcha doing up? It's late
She giggled
C: I can ask you the same, and why aren't you with Lance?
A: I'm not tired and Lance fell asleep.
I chuckled
To be continued.