Chapter Two - The New Beginning

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The drive from West Virginia to New Jersey wasn't bad but wasn't favorable. The drive was quiet, the radio played but no one spoke. By the time we made it to the new house, it was late at night. But I can't lie, the house was nice though. I settled into my new room for the night but I couldn't help but think, would Mom be mad that we left her in VA? Or would she be happy that we're trying to start a grief-free life? I pondered and wondered some more, then I tried to go to sleep.

I didn't get much sleep last night. I kept tossing and turning at every sound I heard. Which was a lot. The wind brushed against the window seals causing some of the loudest creaks I've ever heard come from a window. I couldn't help but think about how the people would be at this new school. Would I get accepted or would I become an outcast? I wish Mom was here, she would always give me the best advice.

These past couple of days have been odd. It's like there's a piece missing from me. Like a piece of my soul is gone, I just feel weirdly empty. But school starts tomorrow, hopefully it isn't as awkward. I've laid out my outfit on the desk and I have my bookbag ready to go, I'm so nervous. What if the people don't like me? I paced and paced around my room, hoping that the nervous jitters would wear off, but they didn't. But all the pacing and thinking did make me tired so I guess it's a win.

I woke up to the smell of coffee and bacon. This could only mean that Dad is trying to recreate his annual first day of school breakfast, which consists of pancakes, eggs, bacon, orange juice, fruit, and our lunches being packed in bags on the counter. As I walked down the stairs he greeted me with a "Hey Kiddo! Are you ready for your first day at your new school"? I replied with, "As ready as I could be", then he pulled me in for a hug and a kiss on the forehead, "Everything is going to work out just fine Kid, just trust me", he said.

I hope Dad is right, I thought as I ate my breakfast. Micah came downstairs a little bit later, he did not seem amused by waking up so early for school. He didn't even really want to eat his pancakes, which are his absolute favorite. I felt bad for him lol. He was so tired, that he was practically falling asleep at the counter.

After I finished eating, I grabbed my lunch from off the counter and put it into my book bag. And I told Dad that I was going to go outside and warm the car up. Dad said okay and began to wake Micah up and help him get situated. In the meantime, I went outside and got into the car. By the time Dad helped Micah get situated, school was going to start for me in almost twenty minutes. Dad and Micah rushed inside the car and hurried to get me to school.

Dad dropped me off first because he had to check Micah into school. I said my goodbyes and I love yous and got out of the car. Once I got out and stood there, the school seemed so gigantic. Way bigger than in the pictures. And then the butterflies started coming. It's been a while since I was the new girl at school, I always forget how it feels.

As soon as I walked into the double doors of the school, I was greeted by so many kids roaming the halls. My old school didn't have this many kids, so this is a game changer.

I was walking around trying to find the counselor's office to pick up my schedule, I was stopped by this tall boy with locs. He is so cute and he has nice teeth, who is this? I thought to myself. He asked me if I was lost and if I was new here. I told him, yes, with a smile, and I was trying to find the counselor's office. He gave me directions and told me what to look for, but he offered to walk with me. And I told him thanks. He then asked me what my name was, and I told him "My name is Lilliana, but you can call me Lilli for short. How about you"? He replied, "My name is Amarion, but you can call me Mari".

By now, we made it to the counselors office, and I told him thank you for the help. He replied with "Anytime". As I turned away about to open the door to the office, I felt someone pull my arm. I turned my head slightly and I seen Mari still standing right there. So I asked, "Did you just pull my arm Mari"? And he said, "Yeah, my bad, I just wanted to know if I could get your number or some.. maybe we could chill sometime".

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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