August 19, 1993
Michael's eyes met Bella's and he became speechless. Her eyes widened and she said some things to Chris. Then just like that she ran out of the room.
Michael saw Chris shake his head and jog after her. He may be a 'doctor' but he sure doesn't seem to have much of a caring side.
Michael wanted to know where Bella went. He decided to follow them."I-I'll be right back."
With that Michael too ran out of the dining hall. Other patients watched him but he didn't care. Guards shouted at him telling him to get back in his seat.
He didn't listen.
One guard was then chasing him, Michael rolled his eyes and kept going down hallways that he was positive they ran down."Kid. Stop running. There will be consequences if you don't stop."
Michael felt far from threatened he just wanted to find her.
The guard was gaining on him.'Oh well.' He thought.
He kept going until he felt a pain run through his body.
Michael yelled out and fell to the ground. That's when he realised, the guard had tazed him. He layed on the ground in shock."I tried telling yuh."
The guard picked him up off the ground and held his wrists behind him. They began walking and Michael knew where they were going. They stopped in front of a metal door, the guard pulled out his key and unlocked it.
"Get in."
Michael groaned and walked in.
"Someone will be back to get you in an hour and 30 minutes."
Michael just stared blankly at the guard. The guard scoffed and locked the door.
Michael hated this room, it's all concrete and only one small window about 15 feet above him. If there was no window, he would be in complete darkness. The only other thing in the room was a small bed. It had strange stains on it, for it was just a mattress, no sheets. He looked at the stains.
He thought,"Is that blood?...
Yep thats definitely blood."Michael also cringed whenever he looked at the walls and saw the scratch marks. There were scratch marks all over, most had streaks of blood with them. Michael never really wanted to hurt himself while he was in here. He thought about it, but never did it. He never really knew what to do while he was in there, except sit in the corner. But.
Michael knew one thing though.He had to tell Bella the truth.