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Firstly, thank you for reading this, and for giving this story a chance.
I must warn you, i wrote this when i was 15, and only recently came across it again. This was written as a gift for my best friend at the time, and in my native language.

Now, with 19 years, I'm attempting to rewrite it, in English (which is not my first language), hoping to make it better and to just publish for the sake of it. I'm bored, and it's always fun to come back to things we used to enjoy.

I hope you enjoy it, too :)


There won't be any heavy content, but I'll always make sure to put a trigger warning in the beginning of the chapter if that ever changes. There is, however, some strong language (like curse words).

The story mostly follows the timeline we all know, but it's important to note that i mixed both the movies and the books plots, depending on what i found most fit. And, of course, there's my own plot!

It starts from fifth year, with some mentions of the previous ones, and it'll follow along the following years.

It'll also be from Harry's POV, and at times it might seem like there's some plot holes, but later in the story, Harry will learn about the things that he doesn't know about in the moment (e.g. he doesn't know why Draco acts the way he does, neither will the readers know, until Draco himself explains it).

Feel free to leave any feedback !

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