chapter 27

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The boys broke away from the kiss and put their foreheads together. They smiled at each other.
"Who could've guessed, our chosen one with Draco Malfoy." Draco said.
"Life is full of surprises." The smile on Harry's face was almost blinding, it was so bright.
"It seems like so."
"I didn't know you liked me back." Harry blushed. He thought it was an impossible thing to happen, something that would only happen in his dreams.
"Of course you didn't. I'd be surprised if you did know." Draco rolled his eyes.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Harry, I pinned you against the wall. I was always close to you. I told you that I worried about you and held you in my arms. We slept together on the same bed. Do you think those are friends activities?"
"I don't know...I just thought I'd never have a chance with you."
"You're an idiot." Draco said, but kissed the brunette again.
The boys spent the night together, just enjoying each other's company. They shared stories on how they felt with the other when neither of them knew their true feelings.
"I didn't know you liked me either, you know?" The blonde stated. They were both laying on Draco's bed, staring at the ceiling. "I also didn't think I'd ever have a chance with you. And when I realized that I did like you, I felt like an idiot."
"When did you realize it?" Harry asked.
"I've always felt something for you. Why do you think I picked on you more than anyone else? I didn't know at the time why I felt the need to have your attention, but once we became friends, it became more and more clear that I simply wished to be with you. And when you not so nicely threw me into a room, locked me inside and told me how much you missed me and hugged me, it all fell into place. I had never felt that way when anyone else hugged me." The blonde confessed with a smile, as though he was reliving the moment in this head.
"I also realized it in that moment. I mean, I was feeling something for a while, but that really solidified it for me. And you asshole weren't making things easy for me! Do you know how hard it was to hold myself back when you pinned me against the wall? Or when you held my hand, or when you casually flirted, or when I was teaching you to produce a patronus?" Harry protested a bit.
"Oh don't tell me about it! Pansy and Blaise wanted to tear my head off because I wouldn't shut up about it. But you are also to blame, because you drove me insane with your innocent touches and conversations."
They both laughed. Perhaps they should've noticed sooner that the both of them were crushing on each other, but this timing was perfect. Draco's laugh was the same as the last time Harry had heard it, so carefree, so genuine.
"I missed you, Draco." The brunette smiled.
"I missed you too, Harry."

Anyone could see that Harry was much happier. When asked why he was so happy, the boy just replied that it was because of Quidditch training.
Training was going well, and Harry found his team well prepared for the game against the Slytherins in the first week of December. Ron had gained more confidence, and as long as things were going good, he was a great Keeper.
The team still needed a bit of training, but Harry was confident. He wouldn't be a good captain if he wasn't, right?
Quidditch was over, and Harry had to hurry if he didn't want to be late for his meeting with Dumbledore.
That Saturday morning, Dumbledore had sent a message to Harry for his first private lesson. About what, the boy had no idea. But the fact that he had to spend time with the man who was partly the reason Sirius was gone didn't make the Gryffindor very excited.
Harry had understood why the headmaster had kept Sirius trapped in that house at the time, but now it was just ridiculous. I mean, come on, Dumbledore knew that his godfather didn't like feeling trapped, much less in that house, but he still gave him specific orders to not even open the window. He allowed the members of the order, especially Snape, to mock Sirius because of this, which led to the man wanting to prove everyone wrong and go to the ministry that tragic night. Dumbledore had taken the blame, but Harry didn't know if he would ever forgive him for being the reason he would never spend Christmas with his godfather again.
Harry quickly got into the shower and changed into clean clothes. He was definitely going to be late. He knew he wouldn't have had time to go to dinner, but Harry was hungry, and a few minutes late never hurt anyone.
He ran down the stairs as fast as he could without falling flat on his face and made his way to the headmaster's office. Which was on the other side of the castle.
"You better hurry, kid, or you're going to be more than just a few minutes late." Sly said.
"I know, but come on, cut me some slack. I just had a two-hour workout. The man must understand."
"Oh spare me. We both know you can damn well make it on time if you wanted."
"You know me."
Harry was almost there when he saw Draco walking down the corridor. The Gryffindor ran a little faster to catch him, and the blonde seemed surprised to see him.
They looked around, and when they didn't see anyone, they quickly kissed each other. It was late, and everyone was already on their houses, since it was close to curfew time.
"Hey, where are you going?" Draco asked between kisses.
"Meeting. With Dumbledore." Harry replied.
"Wow, replacing me for Dumbledore? I should have known." The Slytherin said, squeezing his chest playfully before pulling Harry close by his waist.
"I'm late, Draco." The dark-haired boy murmured into the other's lips. The closeness gave him butterflies and he didn't think he'd ever get used to this feeling.
"Who cares? This is Dumbledore we're talking about. He doesn't care." Draco said as he kissed Harry on his whole face.
"Draco, although I would rather be with you, I have to go. It's a class." The Gryffindor explained, with a smile. Gosh, he loved that the blonde was so touchy, but that was a big problem, because Harry could not get enough of it.
"Fine. You're boring." Draco stated as he separated himself from the other boy.
"I'm sorry. I would stay with you if I could." He said with an apologetic look.
"Hey." Draco pulled Harry's wrist and the brunette was back into his arms. "When this class of yours is over, will you come to my room?" He asked, their faces so close that they hardly needed to speak louder than a whisper.
"Only after the third date, I'm sorry." Harry laughed.
"Okay. I'll come." The Gryffindor smiled.
"The password is serpens. See you later." The Slytherin smiled too and kissed him one last time before they separated.
Harry was embarrassingly late to class with Dumbledore, with a stupid smile and a visible blush, but it was worth it, just to be with Draco.

The class, in fact, consisted of seeing memories that could be crucial to knowing Voldemort's past, and with that, knowing his weakness in order to defeat him.
The first memory played a younger Tom, who lived at an orphanage. Dumbledore had visited him, and told him of his magic heritage, meaning that he was accepted at Hogwarts. Even as an eleven year old, something about Tom Riddle seemed terrifying, his gaze was hard and cold, even when he seemed to be happy. He had a certain aura about him, one that made people feel an unexplainable uneasiness around him.
This was the man Harry would have to kill.
He left the office with the promise of a next class soon.
When Harry arrived at Draco's room, he decided to use the password instead of knocking, since the blonde was probably asleep. Sure enough, he was sleeping on the sofa, and from the looks of it, he had fallen asleep while reading a book and waiting for Harry.
The Gryffindor closed the door silently behind him and went to the bed, pulling the cover back and putting the pillows in the right place. Then, as gently as Harry could manage, he lifted the Slytherin from the couch and carried him to the bed. It wasn't too difficult, the other boy wasn't as heavy and Harry was proud to say that he was strong.
The Gryffindor went to the desk, and wrote a note to Ron and Hermione saying that he had stayed in the room of requirements to study what Dumbledore and he had learnt during the class. Harry's friends still didn't know about him and Draco, and Harry wouldn't make the same mistake as last year, and would talk to him first about wether or not to tell them.
After sending the note, he took off his shoes and debated whether he should change his clothes. Undoubtedly, it would be way more comfortable to use something other than his school uniform.
Harry went to Draco's closet and ended up choosing a sweatshirt and sweatpants and got dressed. It wasn't pajamas, but it was definitely better than the clothes he was previously wearing.
Harry climbed inside the bed and hugged Draco close to his chest.
Maybe he'd dream about the boy he liked so much.

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