chapter 9

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Harry was on the train to Hogwarts, with Ron and Hermione. The two were talking about something that Harry didn't care about and the boy was looking out the window, until he decided that the trip was pretty much boring, the same as always, and that he would be better off finding something to do. It was then that he remembered a certain book he had received for Christmas. He took the book out of his bag and started trying to read. Keyword: try.
"Hey Harry, what book is that?" Ron asked, the conversation with Hermione forgotten.
"It's a book?" Harry replied, an eyebrow raised.
"About medical spells? What interest do you have in that?" Ron continued, wrinkling his nose.
"You know me, Ron, everything that can go wrong, will go wrong with me. Besides, it was a gift." Harry knew he shouldn't have said that last part, but he couldn't stop himself. "Well, good luck explaining."
"A gift? From whom?" Hermione chimed in.
Harry considered his options. He could say it was a gift from one of the adults, who know his terrible luck, or he could tell the truth. "You should say that it was your friend Draco who gave it to you. If they are your friends, they will understand." Harry knew that this was the best option, but it didn't make the conversation any easier.
Harry breathed in. He would eventually have to say something about his friendship with Draco, so better early than never, right? "Good luck, Potter, you'll need it. And if it goes wrong, you can always find a certain friend's compartment" the voice continued to emphasize the word "friend" which Harry would have to question it later about it.
"Look, I'll tell you, but you can't freak out okay?" Harry looked at his best friends and tried to take deep breaths.
"Of course, Harry. We will always support you." Hermione's sweet voice said.
" was Draco."
Silence filled the room for a good few minutes and Harry was already getting ready to get up and leave.
Ron's laughter echoed through the space and Harry looked at him like he was crazy.
"That was a good one, mate. You almost caught me." Harry looked at Hermione for help and the girl, intelligent as she is, realized what she should do.
"Ron." Hermione said, as she put her hand on Ron's arm, "I don't think he's joking."
Ron had a look of horror on his face, as if he had seen a ghost. Or something else, since ghosts were a common sight for the magical world.
"Harry?" Ron asked, as if asking for confirmation.
"Ron, look I know what you mean but-"
"You decided to be friends with the same person who bullied us for 5 years? The same person who called Hermione 'mudblood'? The same person who is the reason you're banned from Quidditch? Are you crazy?" Ron shouted, standing up from his seat.
Well shit.
Hermione looked at Harry with a worried look.
"Ron." Harry sighed, remaining seated and with a calm tone, "please listen to me. Then you can shout at me if you want. But... just let me tell you everything first."
Ron seemed to debate what to do, but sat down anyway.
"Thanks, Ron" Harry said genuinely, with a small smile, "you know what my hand looks like after detention right?"
Hermione nodded her head, while Ron said nothing, waiting for Harry to continue.
"So one of the nights we crossed paths in the hallways. And he saw my bloody hand and asked what had happened. I told him because I was very tired and wanted to go to bed. He healed my hand and bandaged it, without any ulterior motives. We started talking, and he healed my hand every night after detention. Eventually, we decided to call truces, and we've been friends ever since." Harry finished and looked at his friends' expressions. Hermione seemed to be thinking about something very important. Ron looked like he was about to throw up.
"I think that's actually amazing." Hermione eventually said.
"You think so?" Harry questioned.
"Yes. Your rivalry was quite childish and now that V-Voldemort is back, rivalries could be harmful." Hermione said.
"Harmful?" Harry questioned.
"Yes. Voldemort could use them against you. And against everyone." The girl explained.
Ron remained silent, a thoughtful expression on his face.
"Ron?" Harry inquired. Hermione had already somewhat accepted his friendship with Draco but Harry knew that Ron would be much more difficult to convince.
"Bloody hell, Harry." Ron exhaled. "You're not kidding, are you?"
"No Ron, I'm not." Harry replied, with a straight face.
"How do you know he's not just messing with you?" Ron asked Harry.
"He's not." Harry replied, looking out the window.
"How can you be so sure?" Ron persisted.
Harry stayed silent. He didn't know the answer. The boy had never stopped thinking about it, and in the back of his head, there was still some doubt. But something in Draco Malfoy's eyes said that he was genuine, that this wasn't a persona. Perhaps it was the way he laughed, so freely. No one who was lying would act like that. But how would Harry explain this to Ron?
"I don't know. I'll have to trust him."
Ron made a disagreeing face.
"Okay, man. But if he's up to something again, I'll beat him up and then I'm going to give you a lecture that will make Hermione proud, understand?" Hermione made an indignant sound, but said nothing.
"Yes, mate. Thank you." Harry smiled. His best friends accepted his friendship with Draco. Well, it would take Ron longer to accept, but he respected Harry's decision.
"Wasn't that hard, was it?" the voice questioned.
The boy who survived smiled. Maybe his friendship with Draco was a good decision after all. Something that would bring great things. Maybe negative, who knows. But Harry knew one thing: the boy who looked like a dream would play a big role in the life of the boy with the thunder scar.

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