"Dreaded By Manipulators"

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Playing two people for fun
Not knowing that I'm done
Known your actions for years
Can't help but dread my tears

Many looks from people at us
Wanting to vanish like a dust
Sayings of sorry several times
As I look like those statue mimes

Some apologize of disgust
To do pleasure is a must
Fake sad tears rolling down
Thinking I'm a stupid clown

Suffocating in this round
I don't like to even bound
Yet I could barely breathe
Mad man was close to me

Controlling me was a mistake
Won't you just give me a break
Those little pity requests you do
Yet can't say no out of the blue

Drowning down on a sea
Like my mind so let it be
Trying to erase thoughts
You think with bits of clots

The distance was what I did need
So there's no reason for me to hid
Together being in the same place
Making me feeling sick and daze

An easy word to say sorry
Not realizing the whole story
Forgiving the troubles you did
Yet word trust I need to get rid


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