By the Lake (k.t)

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A/n: dare I write fluff? Hahaha

You and Katie Torres had been best friends for as long as you could remember. Growing up in a small lakeside town, you spent summers exploring the woods, swimming in the cool waters of the lake, and sharing secrets under the starlit sky. You were inseparable, your bond deepening with each passing year.

One warm evening, just before the sun dipped below the horizon, on the cusp of senior year, you found themselves sitting on your favorite dock by the lake. The water shimmered with reflections of the fading light, casting a magical glow around them.

You sighed contentedly, leaning back on your elbows and gazing up at the sky. Katie watched you quietly. A rush of emotions stirring within her chest as she did. She had always admired you, but she could never say it to you.

But this felt like the perfect time.

"Hey," Katie spoke softly, breaking the tranquil silence.

You turned your head, eyes meeting her big brown ones with a gentle smile. "Yeah?"

Katie hesitated, her heart beating faster. She took a deep breath, gathering courage. "There's something I've been wanting to do," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper.

Your curiosity piqued, but you remained silent, waiting. You couldn't imagine what she'd want to do, but you hoped it didn't have anything to do with getting back in the water.

With trembling hands, Katie reached out and gently cupped your cheek, feeling the warmth of your skin beneath her fingertips. Naturally, your breath got caught in your throat, eyes widening slightly in surprise.

"I... I've been thinking about this," Katie continued, her voice barely audible but filled with sincerity. "I've been wanting to do this."

Before you could respond, Katie leaned in slowly, closing the distance between you. Your lips met in a tender yet hesitant kiss. Time seemed to stand still as you guys shared this intimate moment. Your hearts racing in sync.

For Katie, it felt like coming home. Your lips were soft and warm against hers, the taste of the lake lingering on their breath. You felt a rush of emotions; joy, nervousness, and a deep sense of longing —all intertwined in that single kiss.

When Katie finally pulled back, your eyes met again. There was a silent understanding passing between you two. Your gaze was filled with wonder and affection, your fingers brushing against Katie's cheek in a gentle caress.

"I... I've been wanting that too," you admitted, blushing after.

Katie smiled, a weight lifting off her shoulders. "I'm glad," she whispered with relief and happiness. "I've liked you my whole life. I couldn't find the words though."

"The kiss said enough. You don't need words."

Katie blushed, nudging you slightly. You giggled.

A silence returned as you sat there together. The evening deepening into twilight around them. The lake whispered its secrets, the stars began to emerge in the darkening sky, and you and Katie held hands. That platonic bond morphing into a much stronger, romantic one.

It was a moment you would cherish forever—your first kiss.

A sweet beginning to a new chapter in you and Katie's lives, filled with love and endless possibilities under the vast expanse of the starry night sky.

* * *
WC: 545
A/N: shortest thing I've ever written and probably the most wholesome lmao

Enjoy the breadcrumbs!

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