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I stood on the outskirts of the dimly lit club, my pulse quickening with a mix of excitement and nervousness. The dress I wore clung a little too tight to my curves, and my hands started to subconsciously pull at the fabric. I glanced around the club trying to find my roommate Honey in the crowd. It had only been days since I moved to the bustling college town of Nova leaving behind the familiar comforts of my small conservative hometown for the hope of new beginnings and independence.

"Move out of the way!" a short blonde shoved her shoulder into my back and forced her way through the crowd. The shove forced me out of my haze, and I could suddenly feel the bass thump through the walls, vibrating against my chest as I took another stop inside.

Honey and I had been here for a couple of hours now, and she had forced a few shots of tequila down on me insisting that I "needed to let loose." I had just had a shot when the persistent urge to pee became too strong and I excused myself to head to the overpacked restroom. Honey had waved me off as she headed to the dance floor and now, she was nowhere to be found.

After a quick search of the dance floor and a glance at the table we had been taking tequila shots at Honey was still nowhere to be found. "That bitch," I muttered under my breath, she probably found a hot guy to take home and left me here by myself. I took a deep breath trying not to panic at the thought of being alone in a club I had never been to before.

The club was a swirl of colorful light and energetic bodies, a stark contrast to the quiet suburbs I had grown up in. I gave my shoulders a little shake and tried to sweep the panic out of my mind as I enjoyed what little buzz I had left and headed to the bar. This was my first real night out, and I was not going to let anything ruin my plan of getting drunk and having a good time. This was finally my chance to break free from the shy, reserved persona I had worn like armor back home.

I headed to the bar as nimbly as the platform sandals I was wearing would let me as the music raged. I quickly spotted one of the only empty seats left and hustled to plop down in it before I lost my opportunity. A sigh of relief made its way out my mouth taking no heed to the drop-dead gorgeous specimen that was taking up the seat right next to it.

"You look like you could use a drink." a dark, smooth voice, filled with amusement, said to my right. I snapped my glaze up and met the most vivid pair of solid black eyes I had ever seen. His eyes were magnetic, and I could not look away as one of his smooth dark eyebrows lifted in question at my gawking, a smirk playing on his lips.

"I.... um, yeah?" I mentally face palmed myself as it came out as more of a question than an answer, but he didn't seem to mind or notice. "What are you drinking tonight, Love? It's on me." The tall dark stranger waved the bartender over and I sat staring at him like a deer in headlights. Was this god of a man seriously going to buy me a drink? I must have looked completely lost and pathetic, or he was drunk off his ass. The bartender approached us, and I still hadn't given him an answer as the bartender glanced between us waiting to get our drink order. "Uhm, just a shot of tequila for me." I rushed out. I hadn't had a lot of experience with alcohol and since Honey started me on tequila shots, I figured it was a safe bet not to mix my drinks.

"My girl! Make that two." The gorgeous stranger said as the bartender reached for the top shelf and pulled down the most expensive looking bottle of tequila. I grabbed the shot and glanced over at my gorgeous stranger. "Ready?" His answering smirk was all I needed before I downed the shot in one go, my face puckering up at the bite it left in my mouth.

When I opened my eyes, I noticed his shot was gone and he was full blown grinning ear to ear watching me with his empty shot glass in hand.

"First time here?" he asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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