unexpected surprise

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Inside corridor with Carmine in athletic body inside blue traditional jinbei outfit just walked towards dictator cyrano office for the dictator want to see her some reason and Carmine thinks it's very important maybe. Than she arrived at dictator office and started knocked on the door twice for him will hear it.


She pressed the button left side of automatic door whom went slide to the right for her enter the office begins noticed to see woman in gray armor got cape from behind while holding a blaster in hands, two armored agents, and older woman look like her in Asgardian armor and holding hammer in one hand has got cracks everywhere. They're at office with dictator sitting at his desk with cold stare to Carmine.

Carmine: "what going on here dictator? Who's those people in the office with you."

Woman step in to answer Carmine question for dictator cyrano with little kindness tone, "greetings young lady, let me introduce myself, I am indigo zap the captain of the league of the section alliance and this is Carmine zeiyu known as mighty thor 2.0 from Pokemon universe three." Mighty thor 2.0 said to her in kindness, "greetings young maiden thou very nice to meet you for first time."

Carmine: "umm nice to meet you too, Mrs. Zeiyu. What's going on here."

Captain zap: "you see, your grandparents and dictator cyrano made a promise to captain duck the head of section 33 since two years ago in this universe for you joined this section 33 in the age of seventeen."

She became fury in rage at dictator cyrano and her grandparents from her hometown to join section 33 in age of seventeen behind her in two years ago when dictator cyrano calm her down, "it's right thing to do that, my dear. Me and your grandparents wouldn't tell you about it when Juliana and three students from uva academy in paldea region show up at kitkama for school trip. Please forgive us." She calm down after that with smile on her face at dictator and said in forgiveness, "I forgive you dictator including my grandparents too. Captain zap, I'm in."

Captain zap: "excellent, welcome to section 33 as wild rampage Pokemon buster in night shift only that you will be signed forever."

Carmine: "what's wild rampage Pokemon?"

Mighty thor 2.0: "you see my angry friend, there new phenomenon called rampage from arogos region in Pokemon original one when a Pokemon can activated the rampage only once health has fallen below bald or got affected with it to giving off a strange dark aura aswell as beginning to show aggressive behavior not present previously."

Carmine: "yikes that scary."

Captain zap: "it is, we have to defeat it six times make them went to normal state so we can capture them after that to join the team or put them in Pokemon storage room for new wild rampage Pokemon buster pick them as their Pokemon."

Carmine: "alright what about my Pokemon that I caught inside teraium."

Captain zap: "send them to Pokemon professor lisa garden inside her laboratory at the Simpsons original universe but you keep sinistcha as your first wild rampage Pokemon buster partner along with second Pokemon and three you want at storage room after orientation over at briefing room 3-1 in third floor."

Carmine: "go over there right now or after third period over."

Captain zap/mighty thor 2.0: "now."

Carmine: "Roger that."

[New story is out for today]

Carmine the section 33 wild rampage Pokemon busterWhere stories live. Discover now