Dread & Despair

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The cards are:
Heaven & earth tarot deck: the Sun, queen of wands, established strength, defeat
transparent tarot deck: page of cups, the lovers, the hanged one, six of swords
sidhe tarot deck: the moon, the hanged man, dreamer princess, dancer three
transparent oracle deck: guide: giant, gateway: the celestial realm, voice
in2it angel oracle deck: Cassiel the Keeper of Karma & Time

In the heart of Sun Flower Valley, where the golden rays of the sun meets the cool, serene waters of the earth, stands Haven—a glass room built strong enough to contain the power & energy of the Transparent Tarot & Transparent Oracle cards. The room glimmered in the sunlight, a testament to the strength & unity of Mew & Gulf, the Kings of this surreal kingdom.

Mew, with his fiery spirit & protective nature, walked beside Gulf, whose calm, nurturing presence brought peace & balance to all around them. Together, they were a perfect blend of harmony, of fire & ice, each tempering the other's extremes & creating a powerful, loving union that was the foundation of their kingdom.

Their children, the Waanjai, sat on sunflower beanbags outside of Haven waiting for them, their laughter filling the air. The community of Phiballs & Mewlions, along with their close friends, formed a tight-knit support system that kept Sun Flower Valley thriving. Everyone was anxious & anticipating the messages from the cards.l

As the first light of dawn touched Haven & a rainbow prism reflected on the glass, Gulf placed his hand gently on Haven's door with Mew following behind causing the cards to stir & glow in hues of reds, blues, & golds. As Gulf caressed the pedestal of the cards, a soft blue glow illuminated revealing the Page of Cups.

"Mew, look," Gulf said softly, his voice filled with wonder. "This card is about intuition & emotional beginnings. It seems our journey today will require us to listen to our inner selves & explore new emotional depths."

Mew nodded, his fiery eyes softening as he gazed at Gulf. "You always know how to find the beauty in everything, Gulf. Let's see what else Haven has to reveal to us."

As Mew placed his hand on the glass, a dark red glow appeared, revealing The Hanged One. Mew's expression grew serious. "This card warns us to take a step back, to see things from a new perspective. It suggests that there might be sacrifices ahead," he said. "We're always having to make sacrifices & I'm tired of it," he continued growing angry.

Gulf placed a comforting hand on Mew's arm sending a calming energy to tame his fire. "We'll face it together, my love. We always do."

Their children gathered around them, sensing the significance of the moment. A younger Waanjai, with wide eyes, asked, "What do the cards say, Papa?"

Mew smiled gently. "They remind us to be patient & to trust in the journey, even when it's difficult," he said trying to hide his agitation as not to scare his child.

Suddenly, a golden glow illuminated the room. Gulf touched the glass, revealing The Lovers card. "This card speaks of our union, Mew. It's a reminder of the strength we have together & the choices we make as one. We have to trust in the power of our love & our family to withstand any challenge that may come. With you by my side, chaos won't win"

The Waanjai cheered, their innocent joy uplifting the mood. One of the wise older Waanjai said, "Daddy Mew, it's like the cards know we're stronger together, just like you & Papa Gulf always say, so you have to trust in us too."

Mew & Gulf exchanged a loving glance. "That's right," Mew said, his voice firm yet tender. "Together, we can face anything," he said still feeling unsure under the weight of challenges threatening to ruin his happy home.

Today seemed to take much longer in Haven as the messages were more deep than normal requiring Mew & Gulf having to pause more often due to energy surges & the need to balance those energies causing the room to become foggy- a combination of Mew's fire & Gulf's ice raging. This continued throughout the day, with each step revealing new insights & challenges. Finally gaining a grip on their emotions, Gulf's touch revealed a blue-glowing card—The Guide: Giant. "This card means we have strong guidance & protection. We are not alone in our journey," Gulf explained.

Mew, with his protective instincts, placed his hand on the glass, & a dark red glow revealed the Defeat card. Exasperated & trying to remain positive, "We must be cautious," Mew said, his voice taking on a protective tone. "There are challenges we must navigate carefully to avoid conflict." Gulf nodded in agreement, frustrated that Mew was feeling insecure, but he understood. Sending a calming mist throughout Haven, then standing beside Mew, Gulf grabbed Mew's hand & kissed it.

"This is the hand of a noble & the most dependable protector, husband, & father that I am proud to have beside me. I never worry with you next to me & I will always believe in you," he began.

"I know the weight is heavy for you at the moment & you're worried about how the kids & I will feel, but we have some very strong children that truly put their trust in you & know you're doing your best, so don't let those who don't see that get to you. Block it out here said.

Mew was so frustrated that to keep his fire at bay he lets tears fall with no words & Gulf wiped away each one for him, with no questions asked, sending his calming aura again through kisses after each one, thankful for the fog so the children wouldn't worry.

"Thank you, Gulf. thank you for having faith in me, even if I don't have it in myself right now. Let's keep going," Mew said.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden light over Sun Flower Valley, Gulf touched the glass one last time. A soft blue glow revealed The Moon. "This card speaks of intuition & dreams," Gulf said. "We must trust our instincts & pay attention to the unseen influences around us. The moon also reveals secrets so we must be aware at all times to the people around us as well."

With the day's revelations complete, Mew & Gulf gathered left Haven with the Waanjai & the rest of the community for a celebration as the Dancer Three card, revealed earlier by Gulf's touch, symbolized the joy & friendship that bound everything together.

"Let's celebrate our unity & the strength we have as a family & as a community," Mew announced, his voice carrying the warmth of a thousand suns, despite his inner darkness.

As they danced & laughed, surrounded by their loved ones, Mew felt the reassuring presence of Cassiel, the Keeper of Karma & Time. Mew whispered to Gulf, "Cassiel is with us, reminding us to be patient & to trust in the timing of all things."

Gulf nodded, his heart filled with gratitude & love. Together, with Cassiel's guidance & the support of Gulf, his strongest Waanjai, family & friends, Mew knew he would protect his King, his children, & his Kingdom, no matter what, & that he would be able to face anything to do so."

And so, under the guidance of the cards within Haven, the watchful eyes of the Angel, Cassiel, & the protective gaze of their children & the community, Mew & Gulf embraced the future with confidence, knowing that their love, unity & family would always guide them through the challenges ahead leading to the best joys of their life.

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