Chapter 5

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Aanya Volkov

On reaching home from the airport I'm met with utter chaos that has erupted at my house, the Volkov Mansion.
My grandparents are here too, I saw my Grandpa's guard Yan around.
As soon as my Grandma, Lia sees me she rushes to my side and hugs me tightly,

"Oh my beautiful angel, I'm glad that you guys reached here safely, it's utterly important that our family stays together given the current circumstances"

"Where's Grandpa,Aaron,and Dad Nonna?"

"They're in the office discussing the next course of action sweetie, your brothers been acting like a mad bear, all the while threatening the guards and helpers.Now that the damage's done, your Grandpa's discussing what needs to be done next along with your Dad, god forbid if someone from the Bratva catches air of'll be very difficult for us to save our family" Nonna says in a trembling voice, her face depicting her dread.

Not on my watch, I'd burn Theo King before he lays a hand on my family, I'll personally drag him through hell if I have to.

I can hear Aaron's voice angry and loud from the end of the staircase. Once I enter the room all the eyes are on me, my dad covers the distance between us and takes me in his warm embrace,

"Angel, How have you been?"

"I'm good Dad, but I'm really scared, isn't there anything that can be done, maybe we can talk to Uncle Vaughn, he's been friends with you since your college days, you already have Uncle Niko's support and I'm sure the rest will follow"

"I wish it was all this easy, babochka, even if our friends would want to support us they can't, the existence of the Black Book goes against Bratva's principles, it remained in our possession for our selfish needs"
My Grandpa adds in his warm yet authorative tone, and for the first time in my life, I hear worry in his voice.

"Trust me Dad, let's do it my way, it'll be easier, we just need names and I'm done sitting around like a lost buffoon, I need something, anything to get started"

Hearing Aaron reminds me of the message from earlier, even though I know the one behind this mess, I cannot give his name to my brother before exhausting my other options, not when Aunt Annika is still related to the Kings, this will definitely put a strain on our already taut relations with the Kings.

Why didn't that idiot think about this, how can he treat everything like a bloody game without caring about the effect his actions can have on the people around us.

"We cannot go around torturing our guards on mear suspicions, Aaron. These are men who've been serving us since ages, doubting their loyalty to us would be equivalent to killing them in their eyes" Dad replies.

"Then Pray tell me Dad, How do we find the bastard, and that too before he decides to leak the information and screw us all"

"For now Aaron, I'd like you to calm down, your hotheadedness would cloud your judgement and thinking process, I know that you've always prioritized our family ,it's wellbeing and security over everything else and this in no way depicts weakness, it's just a lapse in our judgement, a wrong choice which anyone could have made, no one's blaming or judging you, Take a break and breathe, Son. We'll get through this like we always do" Dad offers my brother a small smile

"Your Dad's right, Son. For now let's keep together, and prioritize our safety, I have my men in place and have increased the security around our house, I've put some men on alert around Annika's house in UK as well, just in case."

That's when I realise that I need to go back to the UK to meet the vermin and try to bring him back to his senses so that he stops whatever madness this is.

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