Chapter 12

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Aanya Volkov

The moment I stepped out of Theo's office, a rush of cool air washed over me. My heart pounded with a mix of borderline excitement and thrill, similar to that first illicit sip of alcohol as a teenager. I couldn't quite put a finger on it, but I felt something different-a strange, unsettling feeling that I couldn't shake off.

Jasper was already waiting outside, his face creased with worry. "Aanya, did something happen? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, let's get out of here. You can grill me for answers on our way back home."

"Sure, but..."

"I said, 'On our way back home.'"

We walked to his McLaren, a sleek car that screamed power and speed. I asked, "Can I drive?"

"No way in hell. This is my baby, Aanya. No offense, but I don't trust anyone but myself when it comes to driving it." He hesitated for a moment, then tossed me the keys. "Only halfway to the house. I'll take it from there."

My face broke into a grin. I needed an outlet-anything to keep this strange energy at bay. Once buckled up, Jasper asked, "Before we move an inch, I want answers. What's exactly going on? Heck, I'd believe unicorns exist, but not this. Theo is not capable of showcasing any emotions. Even if you do love him, he won't be able to reciprocate. Trust me, everyone in our family knows this. Gina and Rebecca are skeptical too. Gina literally laughed out loud, thinking it's a prank, while Rebecca threatened Theo with bodily harm if she finds out he's forcing you. We can take him down as a team, if that's the case. Or we could ask Grandpa Aiden. Since Rebecca is on our team, he'll be on our team too, and the team with Grandpa's support always wins."

I wished I could ask Jasper for help, but the stakes were too high. My brother's and my dad's lives were on the line.

"As much as I'm touched by your gesture, it's not necessary. I really like Theo. The only reason I wasn't comfortable sharing this with you guys is because I didn't know how to put it in front of you, especially Gina. But when he proposed last week and I said yes, I knew we'd have to come clean to our families. If you think your family's skeptical, mine's out for Theo's blood. The only reason Dad and Aaron aren't acting on their instincts is because Mom's threatened to leave and live with Grandpa Xan in London. Even Caleb's having a headache with all the drama that's unfolded."

"Gods, I wish you'd change your mind, but if you don't and still want to marry that wanker, you'll always have mine, Rebs', and Mom's support, no matter what. Aunt Mia has been ecstatic since Theo dropped the news. She's the sweetest and kindest soul besides my Mom. You already know how lovely and kind Grandma Astrid and Grandma Elsa are. They're already planning changes to Theo's room to suit your tastes and as for my Dad, he's been your number one fan since you helped him gain points in Grandpa Adrian's book. You know Aunt Ava even better than I do, she literally looks out for you as a daughter, but I'm not sure how she views your relationship with Theo at this point, given that she's well aware of Theo's...aloofness, and Aunt Ava's opinion would be Uncle Eli's opinion too. Guess we'll have to wait and find out"

He leaned back, closing his eyes. "Grandpa Aiden and Grandpa Levi will ask you questions, though. Don't know how Uncle Landon sees your relationship, but it'd definitely be something for him to rub in your father's face. The days to come will be tough."

"Thanks for the heads-up. I'll try my best to convince your and Theo's grandpas that I mean no harm. Besides, you did say Aunt Mia and Aunt Anni are on my team, and by extension, so are Uncle Lan and Uncle Creigh. I'm sure Aunt Mia will handle Uncle Lan."

"You sound like you already have all this planned."

"You know me. I'm always prepared."

"That you are."

After a lot of bickering, gasps, and shouted directions from Jasper, we finally reached his and Caleb's house. Jasper made an excuse and left, clearly avoiding a confrontation with Caleb. I saw Caleb standing at the door, arms crossed.

"I know you feel rebellious these days, but trust me, this is the worst time to act like a brat. This isn't you, Aanya!"

"Just because, for the first time in my life, I'm trying to choose something for myself doesn't make me a brat. Why is it so difficult for you all to just accept my wishes for once?"

"Oh, the choice where you willingly submit yourself to the Devil's Spawn? Sue us for actually caring about your well-being!"

"I'm not a kid anymore! You, Dad, or Aaron don't need to 'protect' me all the time. Have you ever thought about how tiring it gets, having your every move monitored and reported back? Or why am I only friends with Gina, Rebecca, Jess, Sierra, and Zoey, who all happen to be either my cousins or somehow related to Dad or Mum? Everyone literally thinks over and over before speaking to me, as if I'm made of glass! So I had to go out of my way and be absurd for once. And by God, am I loving it! At least Theo doesn't pretend like all of you do!"

I said that in one breath, panic coursing through me. No... no, no, no. I couldn't lose it, not after I'd been in control for so long.

Caleb sensed this and took my hands in his. "Aanya, Angel, look at me. Deep breaths."

I breathed in and out, feeling calmer. Caleb held me through all of it, then rushed to the kitchen, returning with my meds and a water bottle. I took the meds and gulped down the water in one go.

"Aanya, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have said that. Knowing you, I'm sure you wouldn't go through with your engagement without thinking it through. But you also need to know that Dad and Aaron are still super pissed. They will never agree to this.Not to mention Grandpa, I'm not sure if they broke the news to him, you know how protective he is. And me... I won't stand by and watch my little baby sister throw herself into a pit of darkness. I don't trust Theo King even a bit. He'll have to work very hard to gain all of our trusts."

"I understand and respect that, Cal. I know you've always been supportive of my decisions, but I'd appreciate it if you could trust me one more time. I promise I won't let you down."

I had to get back the book before the next Bratva meeting. I knew how crucial timings were in our world. One wrong move at the right time and we'd all be looking for shelter. I couldn't risk my family's legacy. I'd get back the Black Book no matter what. And once that's done, I'll sweep Theo King off his feet, so he knows no one messes with a Volkov-not even the Kings.

The next day, a parcel awaited me at my doorstep, containing an elegant dress, with a note attached.

"Will pick you up around 6 pm today. Hopefully, you'll be ready till then. Your kingdom awaits their soon-to-be queen. Make sure you make quite an impression.

Your soon-to-be fiancé,
~Theodore King"

Oh, I'll make sure to leave a mark this time, Mr. King. Just you wait.

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