Chapter 14

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As I approached, Victor's gaze immediately fixed on me, a predatory glint in his eyes. "Amelia, my dear," he purred, his hand reaching out to rest on my lap as I took my seat beside him. "I'm so glad you could join us tonight."

I forced a demure smile, my skin crawling at his touch. "Of course, Victor," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

Victor leaned in, his breath warm against my ear. "You know, I was thinking we could get away before the main event, perhaps discuss our future," he murmured, his hand sliding a fraction higher on my thigh. "I have a lovely estate in Lake Como that I'd love to show you."

Swallowing the bile that rose in my throat, I nodded. "Of course, Victor. I would be delighted."

As he began to bore me with stories of his family's lavish homes, I feigned rapt attention, all the while my mind was racing with the plan. When a waiter passed by, his arm accidentally jostling my glass of wine, I seized the opportunity. But instead of the wine spilling over his white shirt, it spilled all over me.

"Oh, fuck!" I exclaimed, quickly grabbing a napkin to dab at the mess. "I'm so terribly sorry, Victor."

Victor's eyes widened as he stared at the wine-soaked fabric clinging to my skin. "It's quite alright, my dear," he murmured, his gaze transfixed to me wiping the red liquid from my chest. "Let me find that fucking waiter" he grunted.

Mustering every ounce of composure, I turned to him, my voice laced with concern. "Oh, that is not my concern right now, but would you be so kind as to accompany me to the washroom, Victor? I could use your help drying this off."

Victor nodded eagerly, his hand already reaching out to guide me from my seat. As we made our way through the crowd, I caught a glimpse of Gorgio, his eyes locked on us with a subtle nod.

As we stepped into the dimly lit bathroom, Victor wasted no time tending to the wine stain on my dress. He grabbed a damp paper towel and began gently blotting the fabric, his face dangerously close to mine

"You know, Amelia," he murmured, his voice low and laced with desire, "I've been wanting to get you alone like this for quite some time." His free hand reached up to caress my neck, his thumb tracing the delicate line of my jaw, making me shiver from disgust.

I forced myself to remain composed, resisting the urge to slap his hand away and kick him in the nuts. "Have you, Victor?" I replied coyly, my eyes meeting his. "I must say, I'm quite flattered."

His hand slid lower, his fingertips grazing the neckline of my dress. "You have no idea how much I've thought about this moment," he whispered, his breath hot against my skin. "About being with you, away from prying eyes."

Just as his hand began to drift even lower, a sudden movement caught my eye. In one swift motion, Gorgio emerged from the shadows, a rod in his hand. Before Victor could react, Gorgio brought it down hard, striking him squarely on the back of the head. Victor crumpled to the floor, unconscious.

"Now, let's get to work." Gorgio murmured, his voice low and intense. I nodded, my heart racing. I slipped out of the bathroom and went straight to the bar.

From the corner of my eye, I spotted Giorgio. He was a silent shadow, slipping through the crowd with practiced ease. Our eyes met briefly, a silent exchange of understanding that tonight was the night.

Father climbed onto the small stage at the front of the room, a broad smile plastered across his face, which everyone knew was fake. The room fell silent, all eyes turning towards him. He cleared his throat, and my heart skipped a beat.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us this evening. Tonight, I have an announcement that will change the course of our family's future. But for that I would like to call my beloved daughter Amelia-"

Suddenly a commotion erupted near the entrance.

Giorgio stepped forward, his voice calm but commanding. "Excuse me, Mr. Santiago, but it appears that Victor has left the building in quite a hurry."

The room buzzed with whispers, heads turning to seek out the absent Victor. My father's face paled, his eyes darting around as if hoping to find his chosen successor miraculously returned.

"What do you mean, Giorgio?" Father's voice was tight, strained.

Giorgio bowed his head slightly, maintaining an air of respect. "I saw him slip out the back door just moments ago. It seems he has no intention of staying for the announcement."

A murmur spread through the crowd, disbelief and curiosity blending into a soft roar. My father's carefully curated image began to unravel, the threads of his authority slipping through his fingers.

"But fear not, I'm here for you" he whispered in my father's ear and then continued, his voice rising to command the room's attention once more. "Amelia Santiago and I are to be married. During my time at the President's estate, we both grew very fond of each other and hence have decided to get married on 23rd next month."

My breath caught in my throat. The room was a swirl of faces, a sea of reactions ranging from shock to approval. Father's gaze locked onto mine, a mix of anger and desperation flickering in his eyes. He could not afford a scandal, could not let the whispers of his failure spread beyond these walls.

Slowly, reluctantly, he nodded. "Very well," he said, his voice barely audible over the murmur of the crowd. "Raise your glasses, everyone, to the engagement of Amelia and Giorgio."

Crystal clinked against crystal as the guests lifted their glasses, the sound a symphony of reluctant acceptance. I forced a smile, my hand trembling slightly as I raised my own glass. Giorgio stepped beside me, his presence a steadying force amid the chaos.

"To new beginnings," he whispered, his breath warm against my ear.

"To new beginnings," I echoed, the words a promise and a challenge. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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