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Tae was sleeping peacefully in his bed. He is in deep slumber. When a black shadow or man come from window. The black figure creepily stared at tae .he is non other than jk himself. Who come from window because his silly little angel forget to lock window .jk sit on floor beside tae his heart are beating crazily. Tae was looking immense beautiful in his sleep. He started to sniff his addictive which drive him crazy. He cupped tae cheeks with shaky hands.

"My little world you know you make me crazy. I never like this but you make me do that things. I love you so much but I know you are so small to understand .
My fluff but I never let you go. Soon I will cage you. Then you and me live forever. "He look at time he have to go but how can he leave his baby. With heavy heart he left from there before kissing tae forehead.


Today jisoo is not able to sleep. He feel restless like something gonna happen.
She take deep breath to calm herself.
She take one book from shelf not for reading. He take out photo from book. She stare at photo. Soon tears gather in her eyes she sit on bed.

"Where are you?"

"I know you hate me "

"You married to someone else "?she started to question the person in photo. Her heart hurted badly just thought he married to someone else and also have kid. She just wanted a happy family. She is the reason of her own misery.

"You know our tae just look like you. He's eyes are match with you ". I know you wanted your son but I can't give him to you that time "she started cry miserably. She put photo in book

In the morning

Jk was getting ready but soon a smile spread on his lips about last night.
How much he is missing his angel now he can't live without him. But he have to wait for right time. He have to start his plan. When he is in deep thoughts When rm come "jk he came "jk sighed that person is so annoying. He just hummed.

He come in his meeting room of mansion. He sat on his king size chair the person in front of him gave him his special sunshine smile but it not affect jk he was sitting with his pocker face.

"Jk you have to thank me l  found every information about your angel "the person said in his cheerful voice  soon wide smile appear on his face when
J hope said your angel. J hope couldn't believe on his eyes when he see jk smile for first time. He look at rm who was standing near jk rm nodded. J hope is one of the trusted man of him also his childhood friend. But jk never consider him as his friend . Rm and j hope are older than jk. They always consider him as their little brother. J hope is happy for jk because because of that little one jk started to smile. J hope always wanted to see him like this but rm is scared for that little angel.

"J hope keep eye on my angel. I want every single detail about him. If my baby get scratch I will kill everyone "j hope just nodded.

"Also sent proposal to kim sungwoon "he smirk his plan started from now on.

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