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Iu was standing in living room head hung low while jisoo look at her with rage eyes.

"Why you do that ?". Why you tell tae about him." Jisoo asked.

"Tae found his photo in basement he ask me also give me his swear "  iu said while look at Jisoo with teary eyes.

Jisoo sighed she gestured iu to go.  She want to stay alone for some time. Why he have to come. She sit on couch. In these years she didn't tell tell about his appa now he get to know how she answer tae question. Tae will surely hate her he can't take her son hatness. Why he came back they are happy without him tae miss his dad but he is happy but not now. Tae was continously crying when jisoo separate him from his appa .

Jisoo go towards tae room she open door. She saw tae is sleeping she carees his cheeks lovingly.

With jk

Jk was puffing cigarette his sleep are gone Why not he was thinking about his angel. He saw everything which happen it means dragon is tae father. He can't digest the fact something is wrong surely wrong.  He saw jisoo separate tae from hugging dragon it is good for jk because he can't bare his angel hugging someone who is not him.

Dragon say he want his son mean he was going to separate tae from jisoo. It is not good for jk then how he will get his angel. They both are fighting it mean jk surely have chance to get his angel. He smirk he know what to do.

In morning

Tae was doing his home work silently. He is not bubbly and happy like everyday when lisa hand him milk glass he silently drink milk without throwing any tantrums. He don't talk to his mum like always he talk jisoo asked him about college and studies he just hummed in answer. He didn't talk to anyone whole kim mansion seem silent like it not have life . Tae is alone at home today when door bell ring like good boy he is he open the door .

He shocked to see jungkook in morning.

Jungkook thought to spend some time with his angel because he know no one at kim mansion. When door open his breath hitched seeing his fluff looking cute like always his pinkish lip but he shooked his head his princess is not mature.

"Hello little angel " jk Greet him. Tae huffed his kookie call him little again he pinkish lip turned into cute pout.

"You again call tae tae little. " jk realized his mistake he sit on his knees and held his ear. The great jeon jungkook was sitting on his knees just for his little angel. Tae started to think kookie again call him little when evil plan come to his mind.

"You have to do 100 push ups as your punishment " tae said. Who is jk to say no to tae .

Tae was eating ice cream while counting jk push ups . Obviously jk is mafia he can do 500 push ups 100 push ups is easy peasy lemon squeezi for him but he 
Want tae concern that why he started to fake cry thet his back heart. Tae is soft hearted he tell jk to stop.

"Aah it's hurting " he fake cry tae lay jk head in his small lap . Jk  feel like heaven .

He spent lots of time with tae he also play with him. Tae is happy he forget About everything.

With jin

Seokjin was angry from last night. He also kill 2 maids and 3 guards from morning. How can jisoo do this with him. She separate his son when his son call him appa his heart flustered. Now he have to get his son hook or buy crook.

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From now jk evil plan gonna start.
He will get his angel.

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