Ch. 13 | My will,

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HP: 15

Reserves: 18

Output: 5

Strength: 5

Speed: 8

Sense: 3

Free Points (12)


Turns out, the stat increases for the bonus quest were stat-ups. I got one plus stat every week, and after eight weeks, I had a total of 12 free points and a total of 8 in speed... For some reason, I kept getting speed in my stat gacha rolls. 

"You have improved a lot since we first started." Qrow handed me a towel and smiled. "It's not just empty praise either. I have never seen someone progress as fast as you have. When you go to that examination, don't be afraid to use your semblance. Just make sure the enemy is using aura first." Qrow put both his hands on my shoulders. 

"I will," I answered, not sure whether I would even try using Mizushi whatsoever. I promised myself I would stick to using it on immaterial objects. I struggled using it against moving targets, even the robots used for training were difficult to cut down. I flinched every time I used it. "No promises though."

"Yeah, right... just remember that the reason you can't control that power is because you aren't experienced in using your semblance." Qrow looked at me with a solemn look, "you may not think so, but you're lucky your semblance can be used willingly like that... some people's are always on, and they can't control them."

"What? Is that even possible?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow. "Didn't semblances cut down on your aura? So, can't you just turn off your aura so your semblance isn't activated?"

"Not all semblances are the same, unfortunately some are passive." Qrow put his hand on my head and ruffled it. "Man, you've grown way taller these past months. I'm glad I fed you so much."

"Yeah, you fed me till I exploded. I was worried I would die." I gripped my stomach and heard it growl slightly, not from hunger, but from nausea. "I don't think I can ever look at chicken and rice the same."

"Stop being a wuss... we have to get going. Take a shower and put on your clothes. We're heading to the school soon." Qrow sat down on the training room tiles. 

As I walked away from him, I couldn't help thinking he was the best thing to happen to me in this world. I didn't expect him to be so supportive of me.

I showered as quickly as possible and put on my new outfit. Qrow bought me light armor so I could fight more comfortably. It was gambeson armor that was a dull red in color. I had a few protective leather pieces on the chest and neck to protect vital areas, apart from vital areas, there was also small pockets with thin tiles made for the parts of my body I usually didn't protect well. Qrow said I had a tendency to drop my aura to be more efficient with my use...

In reality it was that I didn't have aura at all, and the reason it was dropped was because I flinched and forgot to reinforce in that area. Unlike aura which is passive once turned on, cursed energy has to be focused and channeled to work.

I appreciated the thought that went into my combat attire. Qrow didn't pick it out because it looked good, or because it was good for the occasion, but because it was the outfit most suited for me. It was one of my favorite gifts from him. 

"Alright! You look ready to go now!" Qrow said with a smile on his face, "Let's go then!" 

Of course, our ride there was anything but smooth. Our car's tires exploded -- and I mean literally -- while driving through a pothole, which turned the car over on it's side. Then, the windshield broke and a bucket of water happened to fall right on the hood of the car, spilling all of the water top of my head. 

"I think Qrow's the unlucky one at this point! We're fine when we are not with him after all." The reasonable part of me had a file, he sat on my shoulder and looked through all of my memories, "I mean, we aren't lucky, but have this kind of thing ever happened to us before?"

"Then just push Qrow..." The devil on my shoulder whispered. The intrusive thoughts had become a lot more quiet as of late, but I had a bad feeling that it wasn't because of my consciousness. 

"My bad kiddo..." Qrow apologized sheepishly as if it were his fault we were having trouble like this. "Thankfully I lied to you about the hour in which it starts," he put his hand on my shoulder and nodded wisely, "we can walk there and still be early, but we have to move fast." Qrow kicked the door of the car off it's hinges -- it was a leased car, so I could hear his wallet crying out in pain as I jumped off the same side as him. 

Turns out walking with Qrow to the academy wasn't as easy as he made it out to be. Thieves, bandits, and muggers all appeared suddenly as if to stop us from getting to where we had to go. Of course, Qrow dealt with them with such ease I almost didn't get to see the faces of those he fought.

His usage of his sword, even in narrow alleyways was incredible. He would swing down, then shoot with his shotgun. He always hit them, never missing a shot. Since he couldn't swing his sword horizontally, he would stab it into the ground and use it as a platform to kick the enemy, or force them to protect themselves from above as he swung down, and then switch to his shotgun to shoot them in the chest. 

His fighting style didn't seem to be anything formal, it was mostly improvisational.

After an arduous walk, we finally reached our destination. A large building that looked more like a castle than it did a school. It was impressive to look at. It had large pillars holding the ceiling which reminded me of Greek temples I'd seen in google images. Large doors which seemed to be fully automated and holographic screens giving the time, the weather report and on the bottom right corners a recommended shop of the day. 

We entered and saw a large mezzanine. The secretary was to the left of the entrance, and on the far back there were stairs leading to the floor above. It was hard to see from down where I was, but I could see some classrooms.

The entire space was empty, with only three or four people walking around and chatting. Where was everyone? 

"Yeah, we're here for the entrance exam..." Qrow said to the secretary who sat on the other side of the counter to our left. She looked through some papers. "ID? Uh..." Qrow patted his jacket and then paled. "I think I lost it while getting here... the name of the kid is Adam... Adam Branwen."

"Ah... you must be Qrow. I was told about you." She grabbed an ID from under the desk and gave it to Qrow. "You're in the VIP section, have fun..." She looked at me and pointed at the far back. "You're going in the exam room."

I looked the way she pointed. It was a large door, it looked intimidating. I could feel the pressure of the entrance exam dawn on me. History and geography were my currently weakest subjects... I never did learn anything about this world. All I had were the previous Adam's memories, but even then, I doubted I could do very well in this supposedly elite school.

"Well... wish me luck..." I told Qrow. He looked at me awkwardly and chuckled.

"Yeah... uh... break a leg." He said, waving his hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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