Tear You Apart (Kunikida's POV)

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Darkness flooded the hallways. The twisted labyrinth of corridors echoed my footsteps. I'm not sure how Aya never got lost here, but I'd suppose living with her adoptive father meant that she spends a lot of time within the winding hallways. The place was lit by thousands of candles, casting eerie shadows upon the walls as I passed by. Aya had gotten lost, and had asked me to take her home, now she was wanting me to meet her father so he can give me his thanks. The bat imagery surrounding me twisted my stomach with unease, the chill in the air started to settle and linger in my bones. It was warm outside, but the sunlight didn't seem to reach this part of the house. This part was free of toys and brightly coloured rugs that Aya must have begged her father for. What kind of man was he? The sun outside seems to avoid the gigantic windows that lined the wall. If nature appeared to fear him, then why did the child seem so at ease here. Rat bones littered the floor, blood matted into the once plush carpets. The only modern part of this was the speakers that occasionally were placed on tables and shelves. A door loomed ahead, all wood and wrought iron. Tall, and imposing. The arched brickwork surrounding the door looked old. Older than anyone I'd ever known. This house, manor? Whatever, must have cost a huge fortune. The chill in my bones weighed down into my gut, I wanted to just leave, the fear of who I was going to meet caused my breath to pick up. Aya didn't share the sentiment, instead she ran to the door, pushing it open with an ear shattering creak. Fuck, it was a thick door. How often did the child open it to be able to do it so easily? More darkness peered at me, almost like it was sentient, glaring at me. Stepping inside, I blinked rapidly, trying to adjust to the gloom. The air was suffocating. When I could finally see enough, my eyes locked onto the coffin in the middle of the room. Was Aya living with a dead man? Just what was really going on here? I almost grabbed the girl to pull her away, but with the sound of stone on stone, she opened the coffin, and what I saw inside caused my heart to clench.

White hair flowed past the man's shoulders, easily reaching his waist. He didn't look dead, more so asleep. Who sleeps in a coffin anyways? His skin seemed to shimmer with how pale it was, and his peaceful expression went straight to my cock. His eyes slowly opened, and the way he looked at Aya caused my head to tilt. Pure adoration. His eyes took my breath away, a deep blood red fixating on the child like she was royalty. I suppose if they lived here, they must be. And I thought the Port Mafia was rich. This place pales in comparison to even the Guild. Stepping from his coffin, his gaze turned to me. And the only thing I could think about was how I wanted him under me, that silky hair grasped tightly in my hand. His own hand reached out to me and I took it in a firm shake. His skin was soft, and suddenly I was questioning my sexuality. I think he said something, but I couldn't hear him. He looked majestic. Long legs that seemed to go on forever, scars on his face that looked like they framed his lips. I knew right then I wanted him to be mine. And I would do anything to have him.

"Sir? Are you alright?" That voice. I wonder how it'd sound when I touch him in the most carnal of ways-

"Dad, I think he's into you-" The girl. Her laughs covered her father's words, and he didn't seem to mind. He simply turned to her and flashed her an amused smile. Fangs. He's not human. I wonder how those fangs would feel in my shoulder.

Finally breaking free of my daydream, I gripped his hand tighter and spoke, my voice surprisingly not shaky at all.

"May I take you for drinks sometime?"

"Ah, I must decline. I have a meeting with someone-"

"Dad, I already told you, that clown man asked you on a date!" A date? Is that what Aya said?

Clown man? Nikolai? Jealousy gripped my heart, anger flooding my very being as I chuckled and nodded in defeat. Well, not defeat. That man would be mine, and if I just had to eliminate Nikolai from the equation, then I'd do just that.

I could barely hear Aya or Bram as they guided me out of the gargantuan manor. Television static filled my head as I walked, blood on my brain. Why was I so riled up? Maybe it was because someone as beautiful as Bram deserved someone better. Someone that wasn't a freak. Someone who could care for and cherish him. He needed me. And I wanted him so badly that I was seeing red. Stepping into the sunlight, I waved goodbye and headed back to my own place, my hands itching to be wrapped around Nikolai's throat.

But there's an issue with that. Fyodor. He's got some sort of sick interest in him, and I can't risk Bram being hurt by that lunatic. I'll get the clown first, then he's all mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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