CHAPTER-2 Small problems, Big impact.

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(Guess what Event in the chapter relates to the Title of the Chapter and leave the answer in the comment section.)

I have been travelling for almost 2 days now and one thing is clear, I can live in this world without regrets. Frey might miss me but that's what she gets for keeping the company's bad plans a secret from me.

As for my sister, I am sure she went to the same room I did. There is a high chance she is here. I hope she is.

I encountered various animals, some friendly some deadly, but I survived using this amazing ability that the demon gave me.

Steadily the theme of the forest changes from green lively to burnt and barren with burnt trees.

It must have been a forest fire. But it didn't spread which means that either it rained or someone put it out. The soil still has moisture.

I catch a clanging sound at a distance so I head over in that direction while navigating through the almost burnt area of the forest into the denser part, After a couple of minutes I arrive back into another burnt patch of forest, where I see some green humanoids so I hide behind a boulder, who wouldn't know about these nasty creatures, they are for sure goblins.

They have surrounded a man, he looks like a dwarf, but aren't dwarves supposed to be smaller in height? He looks about my height.

The dwarf has a hammer with a short handle and a big hammerhead. I can hear them even though I am at so much distance,it should be approx 12 to 15 meters from here.

"dwarf come, he lives, not, then die. King orders." A goblin with a staff says.

"you and your king may as well have a taste of my thunder. You will make into a fine meal for the soil here." The dwarf says as he jumps in the air and attacks the goblins, instantly smashing the head of one goblin. The others move back and make a decent formation.

"Maybe I should help him?." As I think the dwarf jumps in the air but this time he levitates as clouds form and thunder strikes on the goblins.

Only one thing comes to mind. "Thor the Norse god of thunder. Do gods live in this world?"

But the dwarf's attack has less effect as the mage with staff protects himself and the other goblins with a magic barrier.

"dwarf kill our brothers, finally tired. Now we kill.!" Says the mage commanding the other goblins to attack while moving back behind the formation.

I get out of the boulder's cover. The dwarf sees me so I gesture to him to keep quiet as I sneak behind the mage while crouched as the sun is behind me which could cause my shadow to blow my plans.

The dwarf's perspective:

"Is that a demon? Oh no, I am already exhausted because of these green savages chasing me for days, and now a demon? I can't fight I must find a way to escape."

"wait, why is he sneaking behind the mage? And the mage can't sense him?"

The dwarf is confused.

The goblin mage's perspective:

"finally me go home, me get reward, king and master happy."

A shadow rises behind him.

"huh? Who, behind!!?" he thinks but it's too late, Ronin twists the mage's neck but something feels off. The mage gets away and chants something.

"Nature heals all: minor health," the goblin says which fixes his neck.

"Hey! The goblin's bodies are more flexible so that won't work!" the dwarf shouts.

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