Chapter 2

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Ricky's POV

How can Kate be gone? She can't. She's dead... isn't she? 

I fall on my knees and stare at the coffin, remembering the last time I saw Kate in it.

The sound of car tires screeching and coming to a stop snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Ricky!" A familiar voice yells. 

Footsteps slam against the dirt as they get closer to me.

"Oh my god." I heard Chris say, his voice breaking into confusion. I can't blame him.

I look up and see the rest of the band join us, as well as Iris.

"The dead are living." Iris says, grinning.

"What is wrong with you?" I frown. 

"What is wrong with me? What is wrong with you? Well aren't you happy?" She scoffs angrily. "Your sister isn't dead." 

"Yes, she is. I watched her die-"

"Wait." Chris cuts me off. "Do you remember what Toxic told us once? When she crushed Kate's heart?" 

Then it suddenly hits me.

"You can't kill what is already dead." I say, reality slapping me in the face.

"Does that mean that Kate came back as her normal self? Or.." Josh gulps. "As her evil.. self?" 

I breath out. "I don't know." I look over at Iris. "Could you help us track her? You said you track hybrids and demons." 

"Sure, but not here. We can't stay here." She says. "We need to head out to Helsinki where Ville is." 

"Head out? Do you not remember the fact that we're in a band and currently on tour?" 

"And do you not remember the fact that you could have gotten killed tonight? Cancel the rest of the tour and postpone it, saying it's because of health issues or something. A hybrid might attend your concert tomorrow or the day after. You're not safe here. Someone is after you guys, sending hybrids to you which is really rare."

"I think I have an idea of who can be after us. Toxic." Ryan speaks up. 

"Yeah but even she doesn't have the power to create hybrids. The world would be doomed if she did. Hybrids are not supposed to exist anymore. They're ancient history." 

"The thing that is ancient history is what you're wearing." Josh snorts.

I look over at what she is wearing which is a leather underbust corset cincher, black pants and black leather boots. 

She laughs. "Have you met Ville? The guy is stuck in the Edgar Allan Poe era and likes to drag me into that wonder." 

I chuckle softly. "Hey, you forgot to answer my question from earlier. How did a simple gun likes yours kill a hybrid? only the sword of the angel could do that." 

"What if I told you that the bullets were dipped in the same gold the sword of the angel was made in?" She grins. "One bullet to the head and that's all it takes." 

"Damn, you're a genius." 

"Not me, darling. Ville. He came up with the idea." 

"How did Ville get his hands on that gold?" I frown. 

"He... has his ways." She mumbles. Something is weird about the way she answered it, but I shrug it off. 

"Now, are we going to stay here and wait for more hybrids to come for us or should we head out now?" She asks impatiently. 

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