Chapter 3

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Ricky's POV

My eyes flutter open and I jolt up from the couch. I look at Chris to see him frowning and look at Iris to see her grinning.

"What did you feel?" She asks.

"I felt like I passed out. Like I slammed my head against the ground." I frown.

"You never passed out, Rick. You just sat down on the couch and closed your eyes." Josh spoke up. 

I look over at Ville. "Is your gift manipulating people's minds?" I ask. 

He nods. "I control minds. I manipulated your mind into thinking that you passed out when in reality you were wide awake and just took a seat on the couch." He replies.

"His gift is one of the most powerful in guardian history." Iris says. 

"Wait, one of the most powerful? Who else has powerful gifts?" I ask. 

"You'll see." Ville replies. 

"You and Iris are so alike." I murmur. Iris looks up at me and shakes her head. 

"So do I? I mean, check into Toxic's forces." Ville says.

"It's worth a try." 

He doesn't say anything else before he walks back over the computer, types something in and stares at it before closing his eyes.

"What is he doing-"

"Shh." Iris cuts me off. "He's controlling the mind of one of Toxic's guards. We have eyes everywhere considering in order for Ville to take control, he has to see that person or thing, even if it's through a computer screen." She whispers.

A couple of minutes go by and silence takes over all of us as Ville continues to control the mind.

He opens his eyes and stands up, looking over at us.


"They have nothing on her. They're trying to track her as well, much like us." He replies. "But because she is now human, it will be more difficult."

"Yeah, it will." I sigh and sit down, burying my face in my hands. "What are we going to do?"

"We can search for her in all 50 states." Josh replies. I look over at him and glare. 

"Yeah, totally because that's not going to take forever." He rolls his eyes at my response.

"No, Josh is right. Who cares how long it takes, as long as we get to her first. We can all split up and start looking." Chris says.

"Actually, Ricky is right." Ville speaks up. "We need a tracker." 

"And you happen to know one?" I ask him.

He nods. "Johnny Christ." 

My eyes widen a little. "Seriously? From Avenged Sevenfold? Who else is from our world, Justin Bieber?" 

"There's always a possibility." Ville snorts.

I chuckle under my breath. "Okay, so Johnny is a tracker. We go to Orange County, California and ask him to help us track Kate. Then what? What will we do when we find Kate?" I ask.

"One step at a time Rick." Chris says and slaps my back. 

"Hey guys, are we going to let Andy know about... all this?" Josh asks.

I freeze. It's been a while since we've heard that name or spoken to him whatsoever. We toured together, or at least tried to and it was all a bad decision. Now, it's like Black Veil Brides have dissapeared off the face of this earth. Well, at least for us. "I... I don't know." I mumble.

"Ah, Andy Biersack, lover of a hybrid." Iris says.

"How do you know everything?" I ask, getting irritated.

"Small world, Richard." She snaps, grinning. "Smaller than you think." 

"We should tell him, he deserves to know." Chris says. "Call him."

I sigh. "Fine, but I don't have his number." 

"Well good thing I do, here." Chris takes out his phone and hands it to me.

I go through his contacts, searching for Andy's name. I find it and tap on 'call.'

I bring the phone up to my ear and listen to it ring a few times before he picks up.

"Hello?" He croaks out. Oh, right. Different time zones. He must have been sleeping.

"Andy." I say. 

"Ricky," He sighs. "Why are you calling me, and on Chris' phone?" 

"Something happened." 

"Look I am not interested in-"

"It's about Kate." I cut him off.

Silence takes over him for a few seconds. "What about her?" 

"She's not dead." I say simply. 

"What do you mean she's not dead? I saw her die. I sung to her before she died. We all saw her get buried. Don't come to me with this shit." 

"Yeah, I pretty much remember watching her die. But don't you realize? Toxic once told us that we can't kill what is already dead. She was right. Kate's coffin is empty and she's out free, now human." 

"Well thanks for letting me know, I guess." He replies. "What are you going to do?" 

"Well we're going to speak to the bassist of Avenged Sevenfold to see if he can help us track Kate."

"Wait, we? Who else is with you?" 

"My band, obviously. Ville Valo and a guardian named Iris." 

"Huh. When are you going to go to him?"

"I don't know, as soon as possible. Why?" I ask.

"I want to come." He whispers. "I still care about Kate." 

I bite my bottom lip. "Sure, why not?" 

"Oh and can I bring someone else along?" 

"Bring whoever you'd like but make sure they don't slow us down." I reply.

"Great. Well let me know when you're off to get Johnny." 

"Will do. Bye." I say and hang up, handing the phone back to Chris. "He's coming with us." 

"I have an idea." Iris says. "What if half of us go search for Kate while the other goes and finds Johnny? So we then have a head start."

"That's a good idea. Hmm.." I think. "Okay, Ville, Chris, Iris and I will go. Josh, Ryan, Vinny and Ghost will go back home and alert others to be on the lookout." 

They all nod and we all stand up. 

"Lets go find my sister." 


Hope you all like this chapter! I am going to try to update faster. :)



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