First Mission - The Return

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[Smoky silhouettes of Rorke, Logan and Hesh fighting. Shot fired and Rorke falls.]

Hesh: Five years ago, we thought Rorke defeated. We were so, so wrong. 

[Slowed motion of Hesh's smoky silhouette screaming for Logan, who is getting dragged away by Rorke.]

Hesh: Logan paid the price. I'll never forget that moment. My father, and now my little brother, were gone.

[Merrick and Keegan' smoky silhouettes helping Hesh up]

Hesh: But recently, the Federation has been acting up again. We've sent someone to investigate, and we've discovered what we all feared was true: Rorke was back on the grid.

[Silhouette of Rorke lifting his arm up, and Federation fighters celebrating.]

Hesh: But that means the Ghosts are back too.

[Black screen, and then fade in.]

(The Return - June 24 2032, 1438. Beachside Texas, The Wall. Sgt. Michael "Mik" Millton. Task Force STALKER.)

"Mik, wake up. Patrol duty is waiting for us." Hesh said, boredly throwing a ball for Riley to catch. Mike woke up, and grabbed his Honey Badger rifle as he got to his feet. Hesh whistled for Riley, before walking off, the German Shepherd following him. Mike also followed, loading his rifle in case a Federation soldier snuck inside still US occupied territory. 

"We'll rally up with Keegan and then patrol the wall. Gotta make sure no tangos wiggle through." Hesh muttered, subconsciously petting Riley on the head. Both men walked through the quite destroyed building. Sunlight seeped through the cracks on the walls and the broken windows. Delicate vines had grown on the ceiling, gently swirling and falling to the ground. 

All three walked for a bit more, before finally exiting the building to be greeted by the sight of The Wall. The Wall was essentially the new border between the Federation and the States. It had been reinforced over the past five years, yet still some slimy enemies snuck through to sabotage power lines and etcetera. 

"Hesh, Mik, do you read?" Keegan's voice sounded on their intercom. The lieutenant spoke into the radio, "Loud and clear, what's the issue?"

"The Federation is way too calm, they're plotting something." Sergeant Russ replied. 

"Copy that, we're coming to you. ETA one mike." Hesh said, before turning to Mik. "Come on, let's go. Pick up the pace, it could be nothing but better safe than sorry, yeah?"

Dog, sergeant and lieutenant all sped up, Riley's tail happily wagging as he ran next to Hesh's leg. 

"Hesh! We're under attack, Feds are ramming through the wall!" Keegan shouted into their earpieces. Gunfire and explosions shred through the silence.

"Shit, we hear it! Mik, Riley, speed up, they need all the backup possible! Command, requesting immediate back up and air support at the Texas beachside wall!" Hesh ordered.

"Roger that, sending three choppers for assistance, all teams in the area will come shortly." command answered

"Riley, lead the way!" Hesh shouted. The german shepherd immediately bolted forward, barking, and both soldiers sprinted after him. 

"Hesh, Mik, glad you're finally here! Mik, throw frags into the hole in the wall!" Keegan said, gesturing to the hole from where Federation fighters were emerging. Mik pulled the pin on a few grenades and threw them, resulting in Federation soldiers flying off from the blast, either blown off or shrapnel getting into their eyes and skull. 

"Mik, help Riley, if you see he's outnumbered shoot to assist!" Hesh ordered, before he and Keegan ran off into the heat of the battle. Mik nodded and followed Riley, shooting any enemies too much for the dog. A laptop caught his eye. "El Fantasma files" was written on it. He quickly grabbed it and threw it in his backpack, before continuing to assist the K9.

"Mik, get that RPG and fire it, blow those motherfuckers! I'll cover Riley!" someone shouted. Mik glanced at the brown and black dog before running up to the RPG and firing three rockets at Federation troops, dealing huge damages.

"We need surpressive fire, someone get on that sniper!" a desperate, terrified soldier screamed, right before a bullet tore his skull. Mik ran to the sniper, putting each round through the bodies of the Feds, as revenge for any fallen soldier on their side. A large object moved through the hole, and everyone tensed even more at the sight of the tank. A shell fired, and at least five US soldiers got blown to smithereens, whilst ten more had their body parts mutilated. The three choppers then got shot down by, as Mik could suppose, anti aircraft ground missiles, which was probably still inside Fed territory. 

"Mik, grad that NLAW and destroy this tank, we can't let them fire any more of those shells!" Keegan shouted, throwing the anti-tank missile at the sergeant. Mik grabbed it and leaned it on top of a cover wall of sand bags, aimed it at the tank, waiting for it to lock, before firing it. The tank was immediately  destroyed, catching fire.

"All stations, fall back, I repeat, FALL BACK!" command ordered. "Federation troops have breached the wall in three points, we cannot lose more soldiers!"

"You heard them, fall back! Retreat to the trucks!" Hesh shouted. Everyone ran to the trucks, scrambling inside, on the sides, on top, anywhere but to get out safely. "Mik, get on the minigun and cover our six!"

Mik climbed into the truck and stood in the middle, firing the minigun at the Feds, who followed. All of the trucks simultaneously started, full throttle, saving themselves for the comrades that couldn't. 

"We'll get payback soon. The Federation will fall." Hesh said, his hand running through Riley's pelt, the latter laying on his lap as if he were just a small Chihuahua. 

[Call Of Duty: Ghosts 2 shows up on a black background, with the mask soon following. Both then vanish into smoke, and the black fades away]



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